Resumen: Power BI es actualmente el líder en el mercado de las herramientas de inteligencia de negocios. A través de la literatura se puede ver que el uso y los beneficios de Power BI no deben asociarse exclusivamente con empresas que vendan productos o servicios. Por lo tanto, en este estudio se estableció la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Puede ser Power BI una herramienta de utilidad en las instituciones educativas que ofrecen servicios a estudiantes hispanos? Para responder la pregunta, se llevó a cabo un estudio cualitativo para describir y analizar el proceso de desarrollo de tableros utilizando Power BI en una institución de educación superior en Puerto Rico. Los hallazgos muestran que se logró el desarrollo de tableros en Power BI con tres objetivos principales: (1) presentación de datos institucionales, (2) presentación de resultados de investigaciones y (3) presentación de resultados de avalúo del aprendizaje estudiantil. Se encontró que la presentación de datos institucionales a través de los tableros permite tomar decisiones informadas basadas en datos, lo cual es parte fundamental de la planificación efectiva en una institución. Además, el uso de Power BI permite enfocar esfuerzos y recursos en la dirección correcta.
Rivera Cintrón, Aixa Ana G Méndez University Online
Resumen La educación a distancia se presenta como una alternativa educativa con gran auge dado sus beneficios para adquirir un aprendizaje. Este aprendizaje precisa de un andamiaje enfocado en el estudiante como centro y protagonista. El estudiante presenta unas necesidades dado por su condición “humana” y vale la pena reflexionar el aplicar el “humanismo” a metodología de enseñanza. Tanto la administración, diseñador instruccional e instructor, entre otros, requieren por consiguiente, tener las competencias habilidosas para transformar un proceso sistemático y en ocasiones solo centrado en el cumplimiento de dicho proceso, en uno que busque enfocarse en las necesidades del estudiante como individuo.
Autora Garriga Vidal, Giselle M. Bibliotecaria Sala de Investigaciones, Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico y Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Ponce
Resumen El propósito de esta investigación fue examinar la percepción de estudiantes subgraduados a distancia sobre su nivel de dominio de los conceptos umbrales asociados con las destrezas de información, y la relación con el nivel de ansiedad bibliotecaria que identificaron experimentar. La investigación fue de carácter cuantitativo, con diseño no experimental y alcance correlacional. Se administró un cuestionario electrónico, conformado por dos instrumentos: la Escala de Percepción para las Destrezas de Información de Doyle et al. (2019), y la Escala de Ansiedad Bibliotecaria en Entornos Virtuales, basado en la Escala de Ansiedad Bibliotecaria de Bostick (1992). Participaron 50 estudiantes de 21 años o más, cursando su segundo año en adelante de un bachillerato ofrecido totalmente a distancia en una universidad privada en Puerto Rico. Los resultados sugieren que los participantes tienen una percepción alta sobre su nivel de dominio de los conceptos umbrales para las destrezas de información, y que experimentan un nivel leve de ansiedad bibliotecaria. Esta correlación negativa permite inferir en la importancia del desarrollo de las destrezas de información en estudiantes subgraduados a distancia, para de esta forma, disminuir sus niveles de ansiedad bibliotecaria, los cuales resultan ser adversos en el desempeño académico de los estudiantes (Onwuegbuzie & Jiao, 2004).
Abstract Writing and research assistance for doctoral students writing dissertations via one-on-one tutoring sessions was implemented at an HSI in the southeastern United States. This exploratory sequential mixed methods study aimed to inform the specific challenges of Hispanic graduate students completing dissertations at HSIs and identify the next steps for student support. Data were collected through an online survey completed by tutors (n=3) upon completion of each tutoring session. A total of 398 responses were analyzed and coded. Results demonstrated three major themes: writing skills (n=324), research skills (n=125), and general graduate student skills (n=20). Writing challenges included implementing APA style correctly, effectively summarizing articles, beginning chapter outlines, organizing information in dissertation drafts, and writing the literature review chapter. Research challenges included conducting a systematic literature review, analyzing data and finding themes, organizing results, going through the IRB process, locating articles using databases, and interpreting literature.
Author Ellison, Irina V. Associate Professor and Associate Dean, School of Health and Natural Sciences, Mercy College
Abstract The importance of a diverse healthcare workforce has been highlighted and supported by the literature as a key factor in reducing healthcare disparities and improving access to and quality of healthcare among underserved populations. However, minorities remain underrepresented throughout the health professions, and in New York, the Hispanic population is particularly underrepresented across the health professions. The largest private Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) in NY state, Mercy College has a robust health professions program. However, Anatomy and Physiology (A&P), the gateway course for most health professions students, is the number one obstacle to persistence in those majors. In addition, this obstacle disproportionately impacts Hispanic students with a resultant equity gap in student success. Through a multi-pronged scaffolded approach, which involved developing and implementing evidence-based inclusive practices, we have closed the equity gap and improved the overall student success of all students in A&P 1 lecture and lab, even in the face of COVID.
Autora TorresVélez, Milagros Especialista en Diseño curricular y multimedios Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico
Resumen El propósito de este estudio fue investigar cómo influye la autorregulación en el aprendizaje, en el éxito académico del estudiante graduado que estudia en la modalidad de la educación a distancia en una institución de educación superior localizada en el sur de Puerto Rico. El marco teórico se fundamenta en la Teoría del Desarrollo Cognitivo de Piaget (1968) y en la Teoría de la Andragogía de Malcom Knowles (1970). La revisión de literatura aborda diversos tópicos relacionados a la educación para adultos, educación a distancia, la autorregulación y la retención. Es un estudio cuantitativo correlacional con una muestra no probabilística. Los participantes fueron 47 estudiantes del programa graduado a distancia. Se administró un cuestionario en línea denominado “Autorregulación para el aprendizaje académico en la universidad”, elaborado por el Dr. Juan Carlos Torre. Los resultados fueron analizados usando el programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) que revelaron el perfil de los estudiantes del programa graduado a distancia sobre la autorregulación del aprendizaje. En conclusión, los estudiantes graduados a distancia poseen el conocimiento sobre el proceso de autorregulación en sus aprendizajes mediante el dominio de estrategias y el aprendizaje autónomo. Se determinó que los factores de autorregulación que influyen en el rendimiento académico son de control y verificación, son los más practicados en los educandos graduados a distancia e investigados en este estudio.
Autor Torres-Nazario, Marcos Catedrático de Educación Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico-Ponce
Resumen Este artículo comparte información sobre la población de Puerto Rico y su impacto en la matrícula universitaria del país. Además, incluye información sobre la matrícula de estudiantes a distancia y proyecciones de la matrícula total del país al 2025. Para los próximos años, se estima que ocurrirán grandes cambios significativos en la cantidad y la composición de las IES del país.
Author Prince, Tanvir Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Hostos Community College, City University of New York (CUNY)
Abstract This article discusses the integration of computational thinking concepts, including algorithm, coding, abstraction, decomposition, debugging, and pattern recognition, into a Linear Algebra course in a community college in the fall of 2022. Through the implementation of project-based learning (PBL), we aimed to enhance students’ understanding of linear algebra topics while familiarizing them with essential computational thinking concepts. A pre-and post-survey assessed the students’ familiarity with the concepts. The results indicated a significant improvement in the students’ understanding of computational thinking concepts and their application in linear algebra.
Dr. Bernardette Feliciano-Quiñones Full Professor
Inter American University of Puerto Rico
Ponce Campus
Dr. Bernardette Feliciano-Quiñones is a full professor at Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Ponce Campus. She teaches online courses at different levels. Her areas of expertise include mathematics, distance learning, assessment, program evaluation, and curriculum development. Doctor Feliciano-Quiñones earned a doctoral degree from Teachers College, Columbia University, a Master of Science in Mathematics from Salem State College and a Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching of Mathematics from Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico.
For more than two decades she has been working with the topic of assessment, offering several workshops and conferences. She has been involved in departmental and campus assessment. For the last seven years, Doctor Feliciano Quiñones has been the coordinator of Strengthening Mathematics Learning Project (FAMA) at UIPR-Ponce Campus. She has also been mentoring doctoral candidates in the Doctorate in Education in Leadership and Instruction in Online Education (EdD).
Dr. Brenda Lee Morales
Universidad Ana G. Méndez | Keiser University
Dr. Brenda Lee Morales holds a Bachelor’s Degree in General Elementary Education from Universidad del Turabo in Puerto Rico. A few years later he completed a Master’s degree in Educational Administration at the same institution. In 2016, he completed a PhD in Educational Leadership at Keiser University where he had already earned a Specialist in Education degree. Finally, in the academic aspect, Dr. Morales holds a Post- Doctorate in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance from Walden University. She is currently doing another Post-Doctorate at Walden University in the Human Resources area. In terms of work and professional career, she has 27 years of experience working in the field of education in several positions as a teacher, Curriculum Specialist, Director of Federal Educational Proposals, Academic Dean, among others. He has worked at all levels of the education system in Puerto Rico, from Head Start to High School and at the university level. Eleven years ago she began as Director of Federal Proposals and Professor of University Institutions, and currently serves as Title V Graduate Project Director at Universidad Ana G. Méndez – Gurabo Campus in Puerto Rico. She is also working as a graduate professor in the Educational Graduate Program Master and PhD Degree at Keiser University.
Dr. Angiemarie Rivera holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame in Liberal Arts, a Master’s Degree in Education with a concentration in Administration and Educational Supervision from Dowling College, a Doctorate in Education with a Concentration in Curriculum and Instruction at the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, and a Doctorate in Education with a concentration in Adults from the University of Berne.
Dr. Rivera has worked as an elementary education leader in a private educational institution in Puerto Rico. She has also served as a professor at the undergraduate and graduate level at the University of Puerto Rico, Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, Universidad del Este (Ana G. Méndez), National University College Online in the Master’s Program in Education with a concentration in Educational Leadership. She is also working as a graduate professor in the Educational Graduate Program Master and Doctorate Degree at Keiser University.
Javier Herrera
Student Candidate
Master of Science in Educational Leadership
Keiser University
Javier Herrera holds a Certification of Systemic Team Coaching Diploma from Logos Christian University in 2017. In the same year he completed a Certified Trainer of the Logos International Leadership Program, and a Certification in Educational Leadership at the same institution. In 2018, he completed a Bachelor Theological Studies, Leadership & Organization at the same university, and Leadership Certificate from Training Institute of Precept International Ministry in 2019. He is currently attending a MS Student in Leadership Education of Keiser University. In terms of work and professional career he has 35 years of experience in educational science studies in the areas of biology, coaching, theology, and leadership, at different levels of adult education, as a teacher in high school, college, and several spiritual growth groups. He has comprehensive work experience in research, training, and evaluation of leadership development and community development programs in Colombia. Javier Herrera’s vision is to work for the integral development of students as builders of a better society.
Dr. Toni Ann Hernen
Assistant Professor
Bronx Community College
Department of Education & Academic Literacy
Dr. Hernen is currently an Assistant Professor at Bronx Community College in the Department of Education and Academic Literacy. She has spent her tenure at Bronx Community College designing a hybrid developmental reading course and working with students on academic probation. Most recently, Dr. Hernen created a mentoring course for aspiring educators to work with students placed on academic probation. Dr. Hernen is also a student teacher supervisor and seminar instructor where she works with New York City’s future teachers. Prior to her work at Bronx Community College, Dr. Hernen was an Early College Academy Instructor at York College in New York City. Here she assisted high school seniors in preparing them for the college transition. Aside from her instructional work, Dr. Hernen is the author of many research journals focusing on English Language Learners, hybrid reading, first-generation college students and the impact of the No Child Left Behind Act.
Dr. Michael Shriner
Full Professor
School of Education
Northcentral University
Dr. Michael Shriner is currently a full professor in the School of Education at Northcentral University. Prior to working at Northcentral University, Dr. Shriner was a study director at Westat in Rockville, Maryland, where he worked on the National Children’s Study, which was administered by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and on the national evaluation of the developmental disabilities programs administered under the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000. Dr. Shriner has served as a program evaluator and statistical consultant for various grants administered by the U.S. Department of Education. He is an author of numerous research articles and a coauthor of the textbooks Supporting Children’s Socialization: A Developmental Approach, Essential of Lifespan Development: A Topical Approach, and Lifespan 360: Christian Perspectives on Human Development.
Bárbara Flores Caballero, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor
Education Department and Academic Literacy
Bronx Community College, New York
I am Assistant Professor at the Bronx Community College in New York, researcher, author, International writer, member of the doctoral dissertation committee, International speaker, Podcaster, Youtuber, collaborator in television media. Specialist in Educational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence. I have dedicated my professional career to educating children, teenagers and adults in Puerto Rico, North Carolina and New York.
I have 15 years of experience in the field of Education. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education with a concentration in Mathematics, a Master in Business Administration in Human Resources and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership. I have been part of Speaker and writer in places like Spain, Mexico, Chile, US and Puerto Rico. In addition, I have participated as an expert in Research with Cuba and as a judge in the content validation process in Puerto Rico and in the television media in North Carolina and New York. I have also worked in volunteer and community work in Puerto Rico, North Carolina and New York.
Contact information: Email: Phone: 910-372-2491 Blog: LinkedIn: Dr. Barbara Flores-Caballero Podcast: Transforming Knowledge Instagram|Facebook|Twitter: @barbarafloresei
Carlos Crespo Santiago
Executive Director
Carlos Crespo Santiago is the Executive Director for COBIMET, inc. and has more than 20 years work experience in higher education institutions in both public and private sector, pharmaceutical industry and government. Has experience in project management, personnel management and budget administration.
Dr. Marcos Torres
Full professor
Distance Education Department
Inter-American University of Puerto Rico-Ponce Campus
Dr. Marcos Torres-Nazario teaches online and face-to-face courses of statistics and research, at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico (IAUPR) Ponce Campus. He received the degree of Doctor of Education in Educational Administration from the Inter American University Metro Campus. Also completed a Post Master Certificate in Institutional Research from Florida State University. In 2013 completed a Master Degree in Research and Evaluation at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. During the Summer of 2015 completed the ELearning Expert Certificate from FATLA.
Contact information:
Dr. Marcos Torres
Full professor, Distance Education Department
Inter-American University of Puerto Rico-Ponce Campus
Email: Phone: (787) 284-1912 X-2049
Fax: (787) 841-0103
Dr. Omayra Caraballo Pagán
Assistant Vice President
Distance Education
InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico
Dr. Omayra Caraballo Pagán is an Assistant Vice President of Distance Education at the InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico, a nonprofit higher education institution, and has a high recognition for its distance academic offering.
Doctor Caraballo has had an outstanding career in professional service. She has two master’s degrees, one in Human Resources and one in Information Systems, and a doctoral degree in Education in Instructional Technology and Distance Education.
During the last decade, she served as Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, in charge of the distance education management of the Ponce Campus. There she had under his direction two academic departments, one postgraduate and one graduated, with 30 full-time and over 80 part-time teachers and a team of fifteen other collaborators, including curricular, content, production, and technical support for various specialized functions. This transdisciplinary team has articulated the design of over 350 online courses and served annually to a student population of over 3,500 students taking courses in distance mode in that academic unit.
Among his most outstanding achievements is the design and development of an Associate Deanship of Academic Affairs, the Center for Innovation and Creativity in Education, the integration of a team for the online students’ services and the development of a Center of Clinical Simulation Scenarios in the Department of Health Sciences and the Project of Academic Enrichment for the Online Faculty. Through this project, continuous training of the faculty in the aspects associated with distance education has been achieved, namely the acquisition of technological, research, pedagogical, social, and academic leadership skills.
Doctor Caraballo has been characterized by promoting a critical, adaptive, and entrepreneurial leadership model for academic management, as well as promoting the quality, effectiveness, and integrity of distance education nationally and internationally. Several of its innovative initiatives and projects have won recognition from external organizations.
Due to her administrative experience in the field of distance education, her services have been requested to participate as an evaluator in licensing and program authorization of private universities in Puerto Rico. In addition, she has given lectures and workshops in various areas of knowledge: companies, computers, distance education, academic and administrative management, national and international.
Juan C. Morales Brignac, Ph.D., P.E.
Mechanical Engineering Department Head
Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Gurabo Campus
Dr. Morales has been an engineering professor at Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Gurabo Campus (former Universidad del Turabo) since 1995. He has also held several administrative posts, including ABET Coordinator for the School of Engineering. In this job post he coordinated the efforts that resulted in the first ABET accreditations of all the existing bachelor programs in engineering, including the creation and implementation of an outcomes assessment program that engages 100% of the faculty. Dr. Morales has been the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department since 2003. He co-authored the proposal to establish a Master’s program in Mechanical Engineering with specializations in Renewable Energy, and in Aerospace Engineering. The main objective of this first engineering master’s program at Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Gurabo was to transition from a teaching program to a teaching-and-research program. Dr. Morales won a $4.34 million grant from the US Department of Education which fund a faculty development program that has the potential to transform the manner in which engineering education is taught. Dr. Morales has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Boston University; an MS in Mechanical Engineering from Northeastern University in Boston, MA; and a Ph.D. in Structural Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Prior to joining Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Dr. Morales worked seven years in industry, including five years with the General Electric Company in Niskayuna, NY (KAPL) where he worked in the mechanical design of a new-concept steam generator.
Rob McAlear
Assistant Professor
Queensborough Community College English Department
Rob McAlear teaches courses in writing and literature at Queensborough Community College. His pedagogical research is focused on empowering students to understand the work of the English classroom as an extension of the rhetorical and analytic skills they already use in their daily lives.
Dr. Sherese A. Mitchell
Associate Professor
Hostos Community College, Bronx, New York
Sherese A. Mitchell has served as an Assistant Professor at Hostos Community College for 12 years. She holds an Educational Doctorate in Instructional Leadership with a focus in Learning Styles. Prior to working in academics, she spent 20 years in the field working with children in various settings and leadership roles. Dr. Mitchell has brought that experience to her current instructional position to future educators enrolled in methods courses at Hostos. In those courses, she constantly invites student- and colleague- feedback to revise course organization and content to meet the varied learning needs of all students. She is passionate about student accountability and classroom management and provides staff development on such. Dr. Mitchell is a strong advocate of student accountability and serves as a chair of the Student Disciplinary and Instructional Evaluation committees at Hostos. She is an Executive board member of NACCTEP (National Association of Community College Teacher Education Programs) and the Children’s center at Hostos. Additionally, she provides voluntary services of staff development in educational settings and is the Academic Director at a summer camp. Beyond learning-style and note-taking research, Dr. Mitchell has presented many papers at National, local and regional conferences.
Contact information: Sherese A. Mitchell
Associate Professor
500 Grand Concourse (Room A107) Email: Phone: 718-518-4413
Assistant Professor
Education Department and Academic Literacy
Bronx Community College, New York
I am Assistant Professor at the Bronx Community College in New York, researcher, author, International writer, member of the doctoral dissertation committee, International speaker, Podcaster, Youtuber, collaborator in television media. Specialist in Educational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence. I have dedicated my professional career to educating children, teenagers and adults in Puerto Rico, North Carolina and New York.
I have 15 years of experience in the field of Education. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education with a concentration in Mathematics, a Master in Business Administration in Human Resources and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership. I have been part of Speaker and writer in places like Spain, Mexico, Chile, US and Puerto Rico. In addition, I have participated as an expert in Research with Cuba and as a judge in the content validation process in Puerto Rico and in the television media in North Carolina and New York. I have also worked in volunteer and community work in Puerto Rico, North Carolina and New York.
Contact information: Email: Phone: 910-372-2491 Blog: LinkedIn: Dr. Barbara Flores-Caballero Podcast: Transforming Knowledge Instagram|Facebook|Twitter: @barbarafloresei