About the Journal
HETS Online Journal is a Hispanic Educational Technology Services publication since 2010. The journal’s goals is to publish original, peer-reviewed and high quality scientific papers, research review, evidence-based articles, as well as other products of research in the fields of integration of technology in education, retention, assessment, and access to achieve student success.
It is a refereed, professional electronic journal for professionals in the area of online teaching, learning and training. Topic areas include (but not limited to):
- Characteristics of online learners
- Learning styles in the online environment
- Ergonomics in the online learning environment
- Best practices in Instructional design
- Evidence-based research
- Innovative technologies
- Teaching models
- Evaluation
The HETS Online Journal initiative was developed thanks to the leadership of Dr. Eduardo Martí, former HETS Chairman, and President of Queensborough Community College, CUNY.
Current Issue

- Encouraging Women and Underrepresented Groups in STEM Careers Through Agricultural Education and Role Model Workshops
- A Model for the Development of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and Technology Integration
- Neuroaprendizaje basado en la lectoescritura y estrategias lúdicas en el currículo Artes del Lenguaje
- La investigación de mercados como pilar del éxito empresarial