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ISSN 2693-9193

Volume XV, Fall Issue Nov 2024

The HETS Online Journal is on an editorial dedicated platform at this link:  HETS Online Journal. See the list of new articles for the Volume XV, Fall Issue:

  1. Encouraging Women and Underrepresented Groups in STEM Careers Through Agricultural Education and Role Model Workshops
  2. Model for the Development of Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in School Communities
  3. La Investigación de mercados como pilar del éxito empresarial
  4. Neuroaprendizaje basado en la lectoescritura y estrategias lúdicas en el currículo Artes del Lenguaje

To read all articles, click on the following link to be redirected to the new dedicated platform: HETS Online Journal.

Volume XIV, Spring Issue May 2024

The Volume XIV, Spring Issue of the HETS Online Journal is now on a new editorial platform. See the list of new articles for the next Spring issue:

  1. Driving Accessibility: Tarrant County College’s Online Campus Races Toward Accessibility for Online Courses and Communication 
  2. ESOL in the Digital Age: Crafting a Tailored Learning Journey
  3. Impact of Growth, Purpose, and Sense of Belonging (GPS) Mindset Intervention on Student Retention Rates in Asynchronous Mathematics Courses
  4. Aplicabilidad del modelo de retención estudiantil de Berge y Huang en estudiantes a distancia a nivel graduado de una universidad privada en Puerto Rico
  5. Liderando la Revolución Digital: Estrategias de Evaluación en la Era del Chatbot
  6. An Assessment of the Active Learning Worksheets in an Undergraduate Human Anatomy and Physiology Course
  7. Online Course Design Review: Quality e-Learning Practices in Higher Education
  8. La reducción poblacional y su impacto en las instituciones de PR
  9. Actitudes del docente de las materias de español y matemáticas, de cuarto y quinto grado, durante las prácticas de inclusión con estudiantes con discapacidad en la sala de clases regular
  10. Innovación educativa: un análisis descriptivo sobre la integración de la herramienta Prodigy como técnica de gamificación
  11. Institutional Readiness to Digital Education: Championing 10 years
    of Student and Faculty Success
  12. Factores que influyen en la implementación de la tecnología en el ejercicio de enseñanza-aprendizaje

To read all articles, click on the following link to be redirected to the new dedicated platform: HETS Online Journal.

Volume XIV, Fall Issue Nov 2023

The Volume XIV, Fall Issue of the HETS Online Journal is now on a new editorial platform. See the list of new articles for the next Fall issue:

  1. Preferred class modality from a sample of community college students during COVID-19
  2. COBIMET’S Distance Education Online Certification for Librarians
  3. Microaprendizaje: recorrido histórico del aprendizaje en fragmentos
  4. La Integración de la Inteligencia Artificial en la Educación

To read all articles, click on the following link to be redirected to the new dedicated platform: HETS Online Journal.

Volume XIII, Spring Issue May 2023

The Volume XIII, Spring Issue of the HETS Online Journal is now on a new editorial platform. See the list of new articles for this Spring Issue:

  1. Power BI para la Visualización de Datos en Instituciones Educativas.
  2. Humanismo Digital en la Educación a Distancia y el Diseño Instruccional
  3. Relación entre las destrezas de información con la ansiedad bibliotecaria experimentada por estudiantes subgraduados en la modalidad a distancia.
  4. Identifying Dissertation Challenges of Hispanic Graduate Students
  5. Closing the Equity Gap and Improving the Success of All Students in Anatomy and Physiology through a Scaffolded Approach
  6. Autorregulación de los Aprendizajes entre los Graduados que Estudian bajo la Modalidad de Educación a Distancia
  7. Estado de situación de la educación superior en Puerto Rico a otoño de 2021
  8. Enhancing Linear Algebra Learning through Computational Thinking: A Project-Based Approach

To read all articles, click on the following link to be redirected to the new dedicated platform: HETS Online Journal.

Volume XIII, Fall Issue: November 2022

The Volume XIII, Fall Issue of the HETS Online Journal is now on a new editorial platform. See the list of new articles for this Fall issue:

  1. Randomized Control Pilot of Virtual Reality, Empathy, Knowledge, Emotions, and Self-Efficacy among Undergraduate Health Science Students
  2. Instructor-Generated Interactions and Course Outcomes in Online History Courses
  3. Comparison of academic performance with a traditional textbook versus a digital openly-licensed textbook. 
  4. La Presencia Docente Conquistando la Virtualidad
  5. Contratación y formación del educador virtual: Consideraciones generales referentes a la capacitación en el manejo de las TIC y su efecto en la retención de alumnos en las instituciones universitarias
  6. Alcance de la implementación de las estrategias PLTL + PBL en modalidad híbrida en el aprendizaje de conceptos de Álgebra Intermedia
  7. Improving online instruction with self-regulated learning: A case study of kinematics graph interpretation
  8. Liderazgo Transformacional en las Organizaciones Estudiantiles Universitarias en Puerto Rico y la virtualidad
  9. Una mirada a los desafíos en la transición a la educación a distancia: un análisis bibliométrico

To read all articles, click on the following link to be redirected to the new dedicated platform: HETS Online Journal.

Volume XII, Spring Issue: May 2022

Volume XII, Fall Issue: October 2021

Volume XI, Spring Issue: April 2021

Volume XI, Fall Issue: November 2020

Volume X, Spring Issue: May 2020

Volume X, Fall Issue: November 2019

Volume IX, Spring Issue: April 2019

Volume IX, Fall Issue: November 2018

Volume VIII, Spring Issue: May 2018

Volume VIII, Fall Issue: November 2017

Volume VII, Spring Issue: May 2017

Volume VII, Fall Issue: November 2016

Volume VI, Spring Issue: April 2016

Volume VI, Fall Issue: November 2015

Volume V, Spring Issue: May 2015

Volume V, Fall Issue: October 2014

Volume IV, Spring Issue: April 2014

Volume IV, Fall Issue: November 2013

Volume III, Spring Issue: April 2013

Volume III, Fall Issue: October 2012

Volume II, Spring Issue: March 2012

Volume II, Fall Issue: October 2011

Volume I, Issue 2: March 2011

Volume I, Issue 1: October 2010