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ISSN 2693-9193


HETS Chair Message

As HETS Chair of the Hispanic Educational Technology Services (HETS) Consortium, I am pleased to announce the publication of the 2024 Fall Issue of its peer-reviewed Online Journal (HOJ). This Journal, created in 2010, provides high-quality research articles covering online teaching, learning, and training topics for the academic community around the world.

 “We are pleased to publish four new articles, two in English and two in Spanish, and consistently continue providing this peer-reviewed publication focusing on showcasing innovative research, scientific papers, and best practices on topics related to online education with a globalized perspective,” said Eng. Gladys Nieves, Chair of the HETS Board of Directors and President of EDP University in Puerto Rico.

Access to the publication on the new platform is available from the HETS website ( In this issue, the Journal showcases articles in English and Spanish, discussing topics such as Encouraging Women and Underrepresented Groups in STEM Careers, A Model for the Development of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and Technology Integration, La Investigación de mercados como pilar del éxito Empresarial, and Neuroaprendizaje basado en la lectoescritura y estrategias lúdicas en el currículo Artes del Lenguaje

HETS invites you to enjoy reading the articles on this issue and share the Journal with colleagues, academics, students, and administrators involved with higher education. Likewise, HETS encourages all those interested in publishing their articles to take advantage of this opportunity to share their knowledge. The deadline for submission of articles to be considered for publication in Volume XVISpring Issue, is March 10, 2025.

Finally, we extend our invitation to join HETS collaborators as reviewers of our publication. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to

We hope you enjoy this edition!

Gladys Nieves, P.E.
HETS Chair
President, EDP University

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 Editor’s Message

Pamela Vargas-Krauser

We welcome you to the Fall 2024 edition of the HETS Online Journal!

This edition, as usual, includes articles in both English and Spanish. While the articles have potential impact on the success of students in higher education, there is a focus on preparing students for higher education before they start college, as well as on the development of communities that will encourage and support innovation and success. It takes a village to ensure that students see the importance of learning!

The author of Encouraging Women and Underrepresented Groups in STEM Careers Through Agricultural Education and Role Model Workshops presents the results of a study that sought to increase the number of women studying STEM subjects, with a focus on the study of agriculture. The study examined the impact of role model workshops and a summer program for high school students on STEM interest.

In the article entitled A Model for the Development of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and Technology Integration, the authors propose a model for the development of entrepreneurship ecosystems in school communities which is based on four pillars. The four pillars, Empowerment, Action, Visibility and Sustainability, recognize the importance of educators and students having the necessary knowledge and tools for the development of an entrepreneurial mindset and skills to help improve their communities and sustain that improvement.

La Investigación de mercados como pilar del éxito empresarial explores the importance of market research as a critical element for business success in today’s competitive environment. The author analyzes how organizations can make informed decisions based on data and how various methods of market research—both quantitative and qualitative—can be employed to gather valuable insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and competition. The role of artificial intelligence in modern market research is also discussed.

The authors of the article Neuroaprendizaje basado en la lectoescritura y estrategias lúdicas en el currículo Artes del Lenguaje address the teaching of literacy in a public school in the state of New York. The data collected indicated a significant correlation between the Language Arts curriculum and the students acquiring skills and abilities in reading and writing.

We hope that you find inspiration in the insights shared by our authors and encourage you to share your own knowledge by submitting an article for a future edition of the HETS Online Journal!

Pamela A. (Krauser) Vargas
HETS Online Journal Chief Editor
Director, Research and Grant Development, Southeast Missouri State University


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