Vol. 6 No. 2 (2016)

					View Vol. 6 No. 2 (2016)
  1. Evaluación de una Certificación para Docentes que Enseñan en Entornos Virtuales
  2. Hostos Online Learning Assessment: A Survey of Student Perceptions
  3. Impact of a Simulated Game on Learning and Engagement
  4. Mending the Broken Promise: Our Students, Our Teachers, Our Missions*
  5. Re-inventing Remedial Reading in the 21st Century: A Review of the Benefits and Challenges of a Hybrid Remedial Reading Course
  6. Strategies to Make Program Assessment Simple in a Digital Era: A Case Study
  7. Uso de herramientas de interacción en la enseñanza de estadísticas en línea: Retos y posibilidades
Published: 2016-10-28

Message from the Chairman

Message from the Chief Editor