Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020)

					View Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020)


  1. A National Portrait of STEM Trajectories Through Two- and Four-Year Hispanic Serving Institutions
  2. Assessing the Needs and Experiences of First-Generation Students’ Transition to Remote Learning Due to COVID - 19 Pandemic at a Hispanic Serving Institution
  3. Estrategias de apoyo a la facultad en tiempos de pandemia: la respuesta de dos instituciones
  4. La oferta universitaria en línea de Puerto Rico: Actualización a otoño 2020
  5. La tecnología virtual: su importancia en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la contabilidad
  6. Social Presence: An Imperative in Online Learning Contexts
  7. Student and Faculty Perspectives on Student Evaluation of Teaching: A Cross-Sectional Study at a Community College
  8. Teaching Using a Flipped Classroom Approach: Impacts for Students of Color
  9. The Effect of a Kernel Sentence Combining Technique on the Reading Comprehension Levels of Basic English Students at UPR-Cayey
Published: 2020-11-15

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