Vol. 10 No. 2 (2020)
- El assessment en educación a distancia: Una comparación de programas en línea en una institución de educación postsecundaria
- El Tiempo de Cambio y la Percepción de la «Generación Z» en la Educación
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Hybrid Developmental Reading Course at One Urban Community College: A Quasi-Experimental Comparative Study
- Higher Education: Factors and Strategies for Student Retention
- Just-In-Time: the value of online integrated interlibrary loans to broaden access to information resources
- Las expectativas del estudiantado subgraduado de un programa de aprendizaje en línea
- Mechanical engineering students’ struggles with units of measure
- The Evolution of Lesson Plans in a Hybrid Course: Flipping the Classroom and Engaging Students Through iPads and YouTube Videos
- Teaching with an Online MLA Citation Module at a Hispanic and Minority Serving Community College: Design, Implementation, and Results