La oferta académica en línea de Puerto Rico: Actualización a otoño 2014
Por Marcos Torres-Nazario Ed.D. IR Certificate
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Ponce
La oferta académica en línea de Puerto Rico: Actualización a otoño 2014
En este artículo se actualiza la oferta universitaria a distancia de grados de asociado, bachillerato, maestría y doctorado licenciada por el Consejo de Educación de Puerto Rico (CEPR) para otoño de 2014. En el mismo se identifican las instituciones, la disciplina y el nivel de los programas que se ofrecen bajo esta modalidad de enseñanza. Los hallazgos revelaron que para otoño de 2014, había 52 programas adicionales que los que estaban disponibles en el otoño de 2010. De esta oferta, el 52% correspondía al sistema de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico. Asimismo, se encontró que el 47% de la oferta a distancia del país corresponde a programas en las disciplina de administración de empresas y otro 20% eran programas del campo de la educación. Por otra parte, se encontró que el 43% de todos los ofrecimientos a distancia estaban concentrados en el nivel graduado.
Los estudiantes a distancia de Puerto Rico: Datos por nivel y tipo de institución
Por Marcos Torres-Nazario Ed.D. IR Certificate
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Ponce
Los estudiantes a distancia de Puerto Rico: Datos por nivel y tipo de institución
En este artículo se ofrecen datos estadísticos sobre la matrícula a distancia de Puerto Rico por nivel académico y sector educativo para otoño 2012. La información se obtuvo de un extracto de la base de datos de los cuestionarios IPEDS por institución y nivel educativo de Puerto Rico. Los datos revelan que para ese término académico, había un total de 38,571 estudiantes en cursos a distancia, ya fuera totalmente o de forma combinada. Además, se encontró que aproximadamente 9 de cada 10 estudiantes estaban matriculados en cursos de nivel subgraduado de 34 IES privadas. Con esta información, se estima que para la IES el mercado de la educación a distancia del país representó ingresos por aproximadamente 100 millones de dólares para el año académico 2012-13.
“matrícula a distancia”, “estudiantes totalmente en línea“, “online student enrollment”
Unified Communications Technology: The Considerations for Adoption for Administration and Pedagogy
By: Patricia Kahn, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President
College of Staten Island
We are in a different place, where today’s learners require educators to broaden their methods of pedagogy in order to interact more effectively with digital-native learners (Dietz, 2010). Educators need a less structured and more informal learning setting that leverages already established teaching tools supporting a constructivist learning environment (Dietz, 2010). In addition, institutions need to leverage these technologies with their business processes in order to provide for greater efficiencies and collaboration (Herrell, 2011).
Dr. Meléndez Alicea has more than three decades of experience in the field of distance education. He published his first article on the subject in 1990, and a book in 1999. In 2014, he was awarded by Universidad for creating and facilitating the best MOOC in Latin America. He has presented on the topic of distance education in more than 15 countries. He was PI of the study of the theory and practice of distance education in Puerto Rico for the State Department in 2016. This study is ongoing.
Dr. Meléndez has post doctoral studies on distance education evaluation. He is an active member of the Puerto Rican Evaluation Society and author of several articles and book chapters on the subject of evaluation in distance education. He currently facilitates distance learning courses for the Department of Graduate Studies, at the College of Education, of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.
Contact info:
Dr. Juan Meléndez Alicea
College of Education
University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus
Email: Portal:
Dr. Correa joined Berkeley College in 2002 as an adjunct faculty member in the Management Department. He became a full-time faculty member in 2007, and teaches a full curriculum in management and business courses both online and onsite. He was asked to take over as Chair, Business Department, of Dover Business College, 2009 – 2011 in preparation of the re-accreditation and eventual merger with Berkeley College. He is bilingual, speaking English and Spanish.
As Coordinator of Noncredit International Programs, Dr. Correa has expanded a program in which students of European business schools come to Berkeley College to attend classes. The program currently includes 20 colleges and universities from Europe, whose students can participate in six different curriculum’s to satisfy their study abroad requirements.
Before coming to Berkeley College, Dr. Correa spent 30 years in the business sector, with experience in the electric utilities, financial services and executive search industries. Some of his accomplishments include:
• As Vice President of Marketing for an executive search firm, he was instrumental in quadrupling the firm’s corporate revenues in two years and in acquiring the world’s 3rd largest pharmaceutical organization as a client.
• As Director of Corporate Planning for a financial services company in New York, he spearheaded a nationwide expansion while concurrently instituting a company wide project management system.
Contact info:
Address: Larry L. Luing School of Business, Berkeley College
Assistant Provost for Faculty & Academic Administration
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Gil Clary is Assistant Provost for Faculty and Academic Administration at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. At Kutztown University, a public institution, he is responsible for facilitating and coordinating assessments of student learning outcomes and institutional effectiveness. Prior to joining the University in 2009, he was a professor of psychology at St. Catherine University in St. Paul Minnesota and actively engaged in research on people’s motivations for performing volunteer work and other questions related to the not-for-profit sector. In addition, Clary spent a year as a social psychology program director at the National Science Foundation in Arlington Virginia.
Director of Distance Education Center for Online Learning and Teaching Technology (COLTT) University of Texas – Pan American (UTPA)
Edgar Gonzalez has over fifteen years of experience in the development and implementation of distance education. Mr. Gonzalez has played a leadership role in online education, as Director of the Center for Online Learning and Teaching Technology (COLTT) at the University of Texas – Pan American, which has led to a significant increase in the number of online courses and programs as well as the number of students participating in distance education. Edgar has had the opportunity to apply his understanding in the field of online/distance education to provide leadership, service, and direction in the development and functions related to e-learning, instructional design, and instructional technology initiatives. The role of COLTT has not only been to increase the number of online courses, but to enhance the academic rigor and excellence of online courses and programs. Under Edgar’s leadership, an Online Exemplary Course Program was established at UT Pan American to ensure high quality and academic rigor of online courses; stipends are awarded to faculty to incentivize faculty participation in online education. A Quality Matters Rubric for online courses was also implemented to pursue national certification of online courses. Finally, a “Blueprinting” Process for online courses and programs has been developed to systematically incorporate quality assurance into the design and development of online courses at UT Pan American.
Vice President of Student Affairs
Bergen Community College
Dr. González- De Jesús has over 14 years of experience in higher education administration at the community college level, emphasis on student affairs, minority student engagement and completion, labor relations, industrial/organizational management, mentoring women leaders, online teaching and learning, and curriculum development.
Ana Milena Lucumi Orostegui tiene un bachillerato en filosofía, letras y pedagogía de la Universidad del Valle, la universidad pública de la ciudad de Cali, tercera ciudad en población de su natal Colombia. Obtuvo una maestría en Sistemas de instrucción y tecnología educativa en la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón de Puerto Rico. Es candidata doctoral en Instructional Technologies and Distance Education de Nova Southeastern University, universidad ubicada en la Florida, EU. Actualmente, desde el 2011, funge como Vicepresidenta de Efectividad y Asuntos Estudiantiles de National University College. Desarrolló el Modelo Institucional de Retención en esta institución, en un marco de desarrollo de destrezas socioemocionales y de resiliencia para propiciar la retención y la persistencia del estudiante en la vida universitaria. Escribió el himno de National University College titulado “Contra toda adversidad” como un regalo a los estudiantes graduados de NUC. El mismo se estrenó en la graduación del 2013.
Hasta mayo de 2011 fungió como Directora de Educación a Distancia del Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez (SUAGM), donde entre diversas experiencias a lo largo de 11 años, se destacó como co-líder en el equipo de trabajo que desarrolló el proyecto Universidad Virtual Ana G. Méndez, completando el autoestudio hasta lograr la licencia del CES, hoy CEPR y proponiendo un modelo multimedial de diseño instruccional de cursos en línea. Ha sido profesora conferenciante en las Universidades del SUAGM, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Este y Universidad del Turabo, en cursos subgraduados y graduados en educación, educación y tecnología, educación de adultos, sistemas de instrucción y tecnología asistida. Sus áreas de interés en el campo de la investigación son la retención a nivel universitaria, la educación virtual, diseño instruccional, ambientes de aprendizaje inclusivos y la integración de tecnologías multimediales en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje.
Publicó un poemario llamado Lunamar y posteriormente ha sido publicada en varias antologías de mujeres poetas del Museo Rayo de Colombia. En el año 2010 el Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia publicó el libro Antología de poetas afrocolombianas y una de las 16 poetas es Ana Milena Lucumi.
HETS Online Journal Chief Editor
Executive Director, Research Center
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Pamela Vargas is Executive Director of the Research Center at Kutztown University. She had over 20 years of experience in research administration. In her current position, she also promotes undergraduate research and works with community leaders to find opportunities for students and faculty to utilize their expertise and contribute to the community. In addition to writing her own articles for publication, Ms. Vargas has served as a reviewer and editor for several publications, including The Journal of Research Administration, the Journal of Healthcare, Science and the Humanities, and the HETS Online Journal.