Linda Ridley is a Lecturer at CUNY’s Hostos Community College, where she teaches Entrepreneurship, Principles of Management, Principles of Marketing, and Introduction to Business. Additionally, she is an Adjunct Professor at other CUNY schools – the School of Professional Studies in the M.S. program for Business Management and Leadership, where she teaches Organizational Behavior and Leadership, and Managing Diversity in a Global Economy; and Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business, where she teaches Business Communications I and II. As a complement to her teaching, Linda is CEO of Edgar J. Ridley & Associates, Inc., an international management consulting firm specializing in change management. Linda has been designated an Expert Consultant by the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) out of Tokyo, Japan, and she services global clients, conducting workshops and training seminars in workplace effectiveness. Linda has conducted training for women entrepreneurs from companies and organizations throughout Southeast Asia. Linda has the additional prestige of being on the faculty of the American Management Association, where her portfolio includes corporate training in analytical topics such as Critical Thinking,High-Impact Decision Making, and High Performance Accountability. Linda studied at Virginia Commonwealth University; she earned her Master’s in Business Administration from the Mason School of Business at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. She and her husband, Edgar, reside in Harlem, New York City.
The Office of Education Technology (EdTech) at Hostos Community College and faculty members from various departments created the Hostos Online Learning Assessment (HOLA) Task Force to design a survey for gathering and assessing data about students’ perceptions of their online learning experiences. The task force wanted to utilize the survey results to identify strengths and weaknesses in online instruction and student preparedness for the online learning environment. Student perceptions of online learning are integral to building upon current best practices and also gauging the preparedness of the students for the online learning environment, particularly in an urban, Hispanic-serving community college. The survey and results will be discussed within the broader context of best practices and online learning assessments as well as the way the HOLA Task Force is utilizing the data to make meaningful changes in the survey instrument, in addittion planning for continuous improvement in online learning.
Keywords: online learning, asynchronous, hybrid, blended, student, community college, urban, Hispanic, African American