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Using learner profiling technique to predict college students’ tendency to choose elearning. courses: A two-step cluster analysis.


Using learner profiling technique to predict college students’ tendency to choose elearning courses: A two-step cluster analysis


Author 1
Cheng-Chang “Sam” Pan, PhD, PMP, MBA, is an associate professor of Educational Technology at The University of Texas at Brownsville (soon to be The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley). His current research agenda includes the design of elearning in the context of project management and strategic management of distance education enterprises. He can be reached at


Author 2
Francisco Garcia, MEd, is the Manager of Distance Education, Online Learning, The University of Texas at Brownsville. He will soon become the Director of Center for Online Learning & Teaching Technologies at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley). He can be reached at



college students; distance education enterprise, elearning; affinity for technology; separation of school life and personal life


Structuring Online & Hybrid College Courses.

Structuring Online & Hybrid College Courses
         Janet Michello, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
Social Science
LaGuardia Community College of the City University of New York.



The world of education is rapidly changing as we move onward in the digital world. From pre-school to graduate school more instruction utilizes multimedia and digital resources and relies less on the printed word.  Toddlers are playing games on iPads, kindergarteners are drawing and creating stories using laptops, middle school students are conducting online computer research, and college students are producing and submitting digital stories instead of research papers. Advantages of the increase in educational technology include education becoming more accessible, affordable, adaptable, and equitable (Bai & Smith, 2010). We have Ebooks and libraries that offer varied digitalized material and even a library with no books! The first bookless library recently opened at Florida Polytechnic University in central Florida. One of the attributes of such a library is that students can research and select material independently which often is easier and more productive than seeking assistance at a library’s help desk. 

Metalectura de textos informativos.

Metalectura de textos informativos


María del Carmen Malbrán
Senior Teacher,
University of Buenos Aires (UBA),
National University of La Plata (UNLP), Argentina


Metalectura de textos informativos es un subproyecto del proyecto “Creencias epistemológicas acerca de la naturaleza del conocimiento” patrocinado por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) para el período 2004 – 2007. El principio general considera que la lectura pone en juego creencias sobre la naturaleza y límites del saber consideradas como una categoría de pensamiento informal. Estas concepciones influyen en el conocimiento, el razonamiento, las estrategias de estudio, el procesamiento y monitoreo de la información, la organización del contenido y la evaluación de la propia comprensión. La lectura, práctica cognitiva por excelencia, es un factor crítico en los estudios universitarios. Quienes logran leer con provecho se encuentran en una situación privilegiada respecto de quienes poseen en menor grado esta cualidad. Un protocolo de lectura fue diseñado y aplicado a las cohortes 2004- 2005 (n 80) de alumnos de la cátedra Psicología Educacional, correspondiente al tercer año de estudios de la carrera de Educación, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. El análisis de los datos permite aceptar la validez de los fundamentos teóricos inspiradores de la experiencia.


Matrícula de estudiantes a distancia en Puerto Rico: Actualización a otoño 2013.


Marcos Torres Nazario, Ed.D. IR Certificate


En este artículo se actualiza a otoño 2013, los datos sobre la matrícula a distancia, las instituciones que ofrecen cursos por esta modalidad y el nivel educativo de estos ofrecimientos. También, se ofrece un estimado del tamaño del mercado de la educación a distancia en Puerto Rico. Al mismo tiempo, esta información se compara con la matrícula a distancia de Puerto Rico por nivel académico y sector educativo para otoño 2012 (Torres-Nazario, 2014). En general, se encontró un aumento de 36% en la matrícula de estudiantes, así como un incremento sustancial en la oferta de cursos a distancia por las instituciones de educación superior (IES) públicas del país. Por último, se estimó que para las 36 IES superior que ofrecieron cursos a distancia en otoño 2013, este segmento de mercado representó poco más de 133 millones de dólares de ingresos por concepto de matrícula y cuotas.


Growth of the Open Educational Resource Movement.

Prof. Christine Mooney
Associate Professor
Queensborough Community College, CUNY


Leslie L. Francis, Esq.
Assistant Professor
Queensborough Community College, CUNY

Article Abstract

            The cost of a textbook for an undergraduate course can average between $60.00 and $300.00. In particular, the cost of textbooks for Hispanic and other minority students can sometimes exceed the cost of their tuition. The increasing cost of commercial texts has led many students to find alternatives for the purchase of their required course text. Students may purchase an older or international version of the text, rent them, or buy e-books. Many students do not purchase the text for the course because they cannot afford the book in any format. The implementation of Open Educational Resources as a means of reducing the cost of student textbooks has grown dramatically in recent years. This paper outlines the development of the OER trend in community colleges in particular and discusses the practical applications for the development of a business law course at Queensborough Community College.

Assessment of a Technology-Enhanced Review Workshop before Final Exams in an Undergraduate Human Anatomy and Physiology Course.

Seher Atamturktur,
Associate professor,Biological Sciences Department
Bronx Community College of CUNY
2155 University Avenue, Meister Hall 508, Bronx, New York 10453
Office: 718 289 5516
Cell: 201 245 7489



Kyeng Lee
Associate professor
Biological Sciences Department
Bronx Community College of CUNY
2155 University Avenue, Meister Hall 415, Bronx, New York 10453
Office: 718 289 5539
Cell: 917 648 1514



Rujin Tian
Associate professor
Biological Sciences Department
Bronx Community College of CUNY
2155 University Avenue, Meister Hall 412, Bronx, New York 10453
Office: 718 289 3414


Keywords: Hispanic-Serving Community College, Gateway Course, Anatomy and Physiology I, Final Exams, Review Sessions, Biomedical Animations, Jeopardy Style PowerPoint Quiz Game


Gateway science courses are challenging for community college students, particularly for underrepresented Hispanic students who struggle with the course content as well as time management in their daily lives. In order to improve their academic success and understanding of Human Anatomy & Physiology, a series of two-weekend Anatomy and Physiology review workshops were offered prior to the cumulative final exams. Among others, teaching strategy included presentation of 3D animation video clips illuminating step-by-step biomedical processes, followed by fun Jeopardy-style Quiz competition. The competitions aimed at stimulating student interest and triggering their instant feedback that would reflect the level of their comprehension on topics of challenge. Our findings showed that the rate of passing, particularly grades of C+ and higher (required in all nursing courses), was consistently higher for workshop participants than for non-participants. We believe that the technology-enhanced workshops created an exciting, game-like learning environment that resulted in greater engagement and better academic performance among our students.