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Carmen Peraza González

Universidad Ana G. Méndez-Carolina
Educational Researcher of HSI STEM Title III Program

Dr. Carmen Peraza is a Professor at Universidad Ana G. Méndez Carolina Campus, with over 30 years of experience. She has a PhD in Educational Research, a MA in Education, and a BA in Math Education. Dr. Peraza has published in topic areas such as research methodology, math phobia, and transdisciplinary approaches. She is also the author of various books including a Practical Guide for Action Research, which has been adopted by the Puerto Rico Department of Education. In addition, she did the technical revision of the Spanish version of the well-known Mathematical ideas book by Charles D. Miller et al. Currently, Dr. Peraza is an active member of the Association of Math Teachers of PR and the Puerto Rican Union of Qualitative Research, and serves as peer-reviewed for various Latin-American journals. She was the PI of a Department of Education Title V proposal for the Integration of Math and Geography and is currently serving as the Educational Researcher in the DE HSI-STEM Title III proposal Competency Development Approaches:  Increasing STEM Awareness and Retention to Narrow the Achievement Gap of Hispanic Students awarded to UNE.

Contact information:
Phone: 787-257-7373 ext. 2176