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Career and Academic Forums: A Model to Connect the College Experience to Future Career Options.

By: Stacia Reader, and Seher Atamturktur, Bronx Community College (BCC), City University of New York

Author Note: Stacia Reader, Department of Health Physical Education and Recreation, BCC; Seher Atamturktur, Department of Biological Sciences, BCC. This assessment project was supported by a BCC Presidential Grant. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Stacia Reader, Department of Health Physical Education and Recreation, Bronx Community College, Loew Hall, Room 308, 2155 University Avenue, Bronx, NY  10453. Contact:


Many students enter community college with unclear goals or little sense of how to link academic and career plans. We aimed to guide students’ decisions about careers by providing career forums in the health, STEM and business fields where professionals spoke about their academic and career paths and follow-up academic forums where staff provided information about their department’s services at Bronx Community College (BCC).  In total, 163 students attended the health career forum and 205 students attend the STEM and business career forum. A majority of students who completed the post surveys reported the career forums were extremely or very helpful to their future academic plans and most reported they felt very much or somewhat more knowledgeable about their career path after attending the event. Almost half (49%) of those who completed the post survey for the heath career forum indicated they would consider an alternative career path. Most students reported the academic forums were helpful to their future academic plans. These results suggest that hosting career and academic forums may help students identify and enter programs of study that are appropriate for their goals and interests early in their academic career thereby helping to improve completion and retention rates.

Efectividad de las modalidades de enseñanza presencial y a distancia en el aprovechamiento académico de estudiantes del componente general del Programa de Educación de una universidad privada de Puerto Rico.

Por: Dra. Sacha M. Ruiz Rodríguez



En la presente investigación se buscó determinar la efectividad de las modalidades de enseñanza presencial y a distancia en el aprovechamiento académico de estudiantes del componente general del programa de educación de una universidad privada de Puerto Rico.  El diseño de la misma fue cuasi experimental.  El marco teórico que sustentó la investigación fue la Teoría basada en la autonomía y la independencia del estudiante de Wedemeyer (1977) y la Teoría Constructivista de Piaget del 1978. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos, uno de cada materia: matemática y español, diseñado y construido por los miembros de la facultad de las materias correspondientes.  La muestra de este estudio fue por disponibilidad y constó de 36 estudiantes matriculados tanto en modalidad presencial como a distancia.  Los datos obtenidos se sometieron al análisis estadístico y se utilizó el programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).  Para el nivel de confiabilidad se utilizó el Alpha. Para determinar si existe diferencia significativa entre modalidades de enseñanza, se utilizó prueba t para muestras independientes. Los hallazgos y conclusiones van dirigidos a la creación de una teoría dirigida a la formación del estudiante la cual tendrá simultáneamente un enfoque individualista y un enfoque colectivo de participación activa.


This research aims to determine the effectiveness of on-site and online modes of delivery on the academic achievement of students enrolled in the general component of the education program of a private university in Puerto Rico.  A quasi-experimental design was used, and the Wedemeyer’s Theory of Independent Study (1977) and Piaget’s Constructivist Theory (1978) provided the framework for the research.  Two instruments, prepared by the faculty of the corresponding subject matters, math and Spanish, were used to obtain the data.  The sample for this study was by availability and consisted of 36 students in both groups, on-site and online.  The data obtained was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).  T-Test for independent samples was applied to determine the level of significance.  The findings and conclusions are aimed at creatives of a theory that focus on one formation of student using simultaneously an individualistic and a collective approach.

Introduction of Chemistry Accelerated Sequence Program at Bronx Community College, City University of New York.

By: Dickens St. Hilaire, Yasmin Edwards, Anuku Nicolas, and Nana K. Karikari; Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Bronx Community College of the City University of New York.
2155 University Avenue, Bronx, New York, 11453, Bronx, New York, 10453

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Introductory or gateway science courses often prove challenging for many community college students. At a Hispanic Serving Community College like Bronx Community College (BCC), many students abandon majors in science because they are unable to successfully complete the introductory science course requirements for their majors.  To address this challenge we implemented an Accelerated Sequence Program (ASP). This paper evaluates the merits and functionality of the intensive ASP platform, which entailed combining the Chemistry 02 (CHM02) and chemistry17 (CHM17) courses offered by the Chemistry Department of Bronx Community College (BCC) in an accelerated one-semester sequence. This paper enumerates the program’s impact on student performance and retention. It also indicates that the students enrolled in the remedial CHM02 ASP sections achieved the greatest benefit from the introduction of ASP to the Chemistry Department of BCC.

Keywords: Hispanic Serving Community College, Accelerated Sequence Program, General Chemistry, Remedial Chemistry, Supplemental Instruction Workshops, Peer Instructors

La educación a distancia como herramienta de capacitación profesional: perspectivas del docente universitario.

Por: Dr. Ángel Rivera Serrano, Colegio Universitario de San Juan


Las nuevas tecnologías permiten ahora formas no tradicionales de educación.  Con ello se eliminan barreras de tiempo y espacio que desalientan y entorpecen a muchos empleados en su desarrollo profesional.  Por otro lado, existe una tendencia a visualizar la educación a distancia como un mero producto de la comercialización de la educación, y el proceso evaluativo se vuelve una de las áreas más criticadas por parte de amplios sectores académicos (Noble, 2001). Las organizaciones que proponen iniciar el uso de las técnicas de educación a distancia o en línea para desarrollar a su personal no deben perder de perspectiva que los seres humanos aprenden de diversas formas y que en dicho proceso influyen una diversidad de factores.  Esta investigación se sustenta sobre la base teórica conceptual la teoría de difusión de la innovación según Everett Rogers (1995). El estudioso Everett Rogers introdujo la teoría de la difusión en el contexto del estudio y la práctica del desarrollo. Dicho estudioso destacó la importancia de la difusión como un proceso en el cual las personas adoptan un modo de vida más desarrollado técnicamente y más rápidamente cambiante, a esto se le denomina innovación. Se trata de una teoría ampliamente aplicada en el análisis de la adopción de la Internet y experiencias a distancia puesto que alude a la ventaja relativa obtenida por la adopción, su complejidad y compatibilidad con los sistemas de valores previamente existentes y la posibilidad de probar la tecnología antes de adoptarla definitivamente. Estos factores resultaron de importancia para enmarcar el pensamiento de que los cambios suceden cuando las personas como sistema social, para efectos de esta investigación se trata de los docentes, adoptan nuevas ideas y crean conciencia acerca de la aplicación de herramientas y métodos modernos o tecnológicos.

Using Twine to Deliver a Grammar-Linked Creative Writing Assignment in a Hybrid ESL Course

By: Karin Lundberg Ph.D. and Catherine (Kate) Lyons, Hostos Community College
of the City University of New York



In recent years developmental education began shifting from a reliance on high-stakes testing in reading and writing to a multiple measures model for assessment. The multiple-measures model, which opens up a whole new array of writing opportunities for English Language Learning students, also aligns with good practices in course design, in the hybrid modality. This article describes a Grammar Adventure Game that two faculty members at Hostos Community College (CUNY), developed using Twine. The Grammar Adventure game served both as an alternative to a traditional grammar assignment, and as a pre-writing activity for a creative writing assignment, in an intermediate English as a Second Language (ESL) course. The authors discuss students’ experience using this gamified approach, and why it works in the hybrid environment.

Keywords: Twine; Interactive Fiction; Creative Writing; L2 Writing; hybrid ESL