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Abass Abdullahi, Ph.D.

Abass Abdullahi, Ph.D.
Department of Biological Sciences
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York

 Dr. Abass Abdullahi has a background in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, where he has mainly worked on carbohydrate metabolism and related gene expression under changing environmental conditions using various models like diatoms, bacteria and recently yeasts (Pichia pastoris). He has successfully obtained PSC CUNY and CUNY Collaborative grants and a recent US patent through CUNY’s research foundation. This was on collaborative work with City College related to the “Purification of Recombinant Human α-Galactosidase A with C-terminal Truncation with Increased Activity”. Dr. Abdullahi has also helped design Bronx Community College of CUNY’s Biotechnology program, which he coordinated until recently and still teaches in the program on a course in Cell and Molecular Biology. Dr. Abdullahi also has interests in pedagogical research including distance learning, assessment, teaching with technology and other innovative teaching strategies. He has been involved in departmental assessment for one of the largest courses, Anatomy and Physiology I and II, for a very long time and still serves as one of the coordinators for A&P. He has published and presented widely in the region and nationally as well as help mentor a number of students and junior faculty.

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