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La presencia social de los profesores de los cursos en línea y su relación con el aprovechamiento académico y la satisfacción de los estudiantes con el curso

Por: Prof. Peggy Santiago
Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Bayamón



El propósito de este estudio era identificar las estrategias de la inmediatez escrita que pro­yectan la presencia social de los profesores de cursos en línea y su relación con el nivel de satis­facción de los estudiantes con su aprovechamiento académico y su satisfacción con el curso.

El diseño del estudio fue uno exploratorio, ya que se auscultó la percepción de los estu­diantes sobre la proyección de la presencia social del instructor y cómo esta se relacionaba con su nivel de satisfacción con el aprovechamiento académico y satisfacción con el curso. La mues­tra fue por disponibilidad e incluyó a 148 estudiantes que estaban matriculados durante el semes­tre de agosto a diciembre 2018 en un curso a distancia en una universidad pública del país.

De acuerdo con los resultados de la investigación, 70 % de los sujetos indicaron que las actividades que realizaban los profesores en cursos en línea cumplían parcialmente con sus ex­pectativas de percibirlo como alguien presente en la comunicación escrita, 78 % percibieron que su aprovechamiento académico cumplía parcialmente con sus expectativas y 83 % percibieron que su satisfacción con el curso cumplía con sus expectativas. Las pruebas de coeficiente de re­lación de Pearson indicaron que la relación entre aprovechamiento académico y satisfacción fue r=.83 lo que representa una relación significativa positiva. La relación entre aprovechamiento académico e inmediatez fue r=.73 lo que igualmente representa una relación significativa posi­tiva y la relación entre satisfacción e inmediatez fue r=.70 lo que representa una relación signifi­cativa positiva.

Finalmente, el análisis de la relación múltiple entre las tres variables, a saber:   aprove­chamiento académico, satisfacción e inmediatez arrojó un coeficiente de +1.00, lo cual evidencia una relación significativa entre las tres variables estudiadas.

Manejo del tiempo desde la perspectiva académica, profesional y personal.

Por: Angiemarie Rivera Ph.D Ed.D, Brenda Morales Ph.D, Marlie Toledo MTR,
Exi Resto MASJ, Angélica M. Vega MSEM, Noelia Rodríguez MBA, Gerardo Ocana MEd



Una de las competencias fundamentales dentro del ámbito académico, profesional y personal lo es el manejo del tiempo. Cuando se habla del tiempo, se resalta lo valioso que este puede ser. De acuerdo con Durán y Pujol (2012) el manejo de tiempo es una competencia solicitada en el área profesional para alcanzar otras posiciones laborales. Por lo tanto, se destaca que esta competencia en conjunto con otras brindaría la oportunidad de crecer y que la persona sea una competitiva y productiva. Este estudio documental analiza la importancia del manejo del tiempo. El tema planteado es relevante ya que permite al estudiante organizar y estructurar el tiempo de estudio y los compromisos laborales sin que existan conflictos. Blaydes (2002) desarrolló la Teoría del Aprendizaje basada en el postulado que promueve que al estudiar el cerebro se estudia con la activación de ambos hemisferios del cerebro ayudando a incrementar el desempeño académico.

Palabras claves: Manejo del tiempo, organización del tiempo, Teoría del Aprendizaje y Neurociencia.



One of the fundamental competences within the academic, professional and personal field is time management. When talking about time, it highlights how valuable it can be. According to Durán and Pujol (2012), time management is a competence requested in the professional area to reach other job positions. Therefore, it is emphasized that this competition together with others would provide the opportunity to grow and that the person be competitive and productive. This documentary study analyzes the importance of time management. The issue raised is relevant as it allows the student to organize and structure study time and work commitments without conflicts. Blaydes (2002) developed the Theory of Learning based on the postulate that promotes that studying the brain is studied with the activation of both hemispheres of the brain helping to increase academic performance.

Keywords: Time management, time organization, Learning Theory and Neuroscience.

Peculiaridades de las redes sociales

Por: Elizabeth Díaz Rodriguez EdD, MCE


Las redes sociales se han convertido en una manifestación cultural de gran influencia en la comunidad. El propósito del artículo es describir sus particularidades en nuestra sociedad. Conjuntamente, presentar algunos aspectos de este fenómeno emergente. Para ello se realizó una revisión de literatura. Se consideraron aspectos relevantes sobre el tema tales como su enfoque histórico-cultural, lo que producen en la sociedad, su autorregulación, orientación como instrumento de investigación, los efectos en la educación y algunas sugerencias a los educadores en su manejo.

Ante las redes sociales, el educador se reafirma como entidad evaluadora del pensamiento y el mundo que le rodea. De ahí el rol de la educación en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC). Además, intenta describir la influencia del aspecto emocional. Se concluye que las redes sociales deben ser herramientas del individuo, dirigidas hacia la autorreflexión y metacognición.

Reframing the narrative of Hispanic Student Success: From Pipelines to Ecosystems

By: David Ortíz, Senior Vice President/Chief Operating Officer
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, and Jeanette Morales, Director for PK-12 Initiatives
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)


At one time the analogy of a pipeline that funneled students from K-12 through higher education and on to a career was appropriate. Due to the multiple entryways that students can obtain high school credit and enter into higher education, a pipeline is no longer applicable. Students can take Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, dual-credit or early college high school to earn college credit. Within higher education, students can earn credits for licensure and certificate programs for immediate entry into the workforce or transfer from a two-year to a four-year institution for an advanced degree. Through reverse transfer agreements, students can earn an associate’s degree from one institution and a bachelor’s from another. Through multiple ingress and egress, we are no longer working with a pipeline but an ecosystem built from partnerships in conjunction with interested parties from the community to advance student success.

Keywords: collaborative partnership, anchor institutions, ecosystems


The terms Hispanic and Latino/a are used interchangeably within the context of this manuscript.

Re-Imagining Strategic Enrollment Management in Higher Education

By: Alicia B. Harvey-Smith, Ph.D.
President/CEO, Pittsburgh Technical College


Enrollment Challenge

Nationally, higher education institutions of all types are facing increasing challenges with reaching enrollment benchmarks. According to Inside Higher Education, (June 21, 2018), community college enrollments specifically will continue declining over the next several years.

This challenge is further complicated by declines in state funding and rising demands for improved performance outcomes, as well as projections that a lower number of traditional-age college students age 18 to 22 years old will be entering college beginning in 2025 due to lower birth rates during the recession.

The withdrawal of adult learners aged 25 and older who have typically enrolled at greater rates during weaker economic periods with high unemployment will also contribute to widening the gap in enrollments.

The conversion of all of these factors does present a critical challenge for colleges and universities. This is a challenge that will require an examination of institutional practices and the generation of innovative solutions. One such solution is the reimagining and expansion of strategic enrollment management approaches to provide an answer, or, at the very least, lead institutions in the right direction.


Strategic Enrollment Management Solution

Placing renewed focus on comprehensive strategic enrollment management (C-SEM) can assist colleges with addressing ongoing enrollment challenges with clear goals targeted on the enrollment, retention and completion of students.

The Impact of Blended Learning on Retention, Performance and Persistance in an Allied Health Gateway Lab/Lecture Course in an Urban Community College

By: Carlos Liachovitzky, and Alexander Wolf
Bronx Community College of The City University of New York



The purpose of this study was to compare blended and face-to-face (FTF) teaching in student learning outcomes, retention, likelihood of repeating the course, likelihood of taking the subsequent course in a sequence, and performance in the subsequent course. We tested the null hypotheses that all of the above mentioned variables were independent of the teaching format by comparing eight semesters of blended and FTF sections of Human Anatomy and Physiology I. We found no difference in retention, student learning outcomes, nor the likelihood of repeating the course. Completing a blended section of the first semester of Anatomy and Physiology did not have an impact on performance (grade distribution) in the second semester of Anatomy and Physiology relative to students in FTF sections. A large majority of students in a blended section answered that they would take a blended course again, and that they would recommend it to a friend. However, fewer students completing a blended section went on to the second semester of the course.

keywords: gateway course, blended learning, hybrid learning, distance learning, anatomy and physiology, urban community college, course sequence, longitudinal study, Bronx Community College


Using Hispanic Memoirs to Create a Culturally Sustaining Common Read Program

By: Robin Ford and Beth Counihan
Queensborough Community College of the City University of New York


This article shares a best practice for developing a Common Read program grounded in a culturally sustaining pedagogy (Paris, 2012) within a diverse urban community college.  The authors make the argument for choosing memoirs by Latinx/Hispanic authors to promote greater cultural understanding and connections for both students and faculty, especially in light of the current political climate in the United States. Recent memoirs by Rosie Perez, Sonia Sotomayor, Richard Blanco and others are discussed as strong examples of successful Common Read texts, and a suggestion is made for a HETS and/or HACU-wide Common Read program.

Utilizing Simulation to Foster Nursing Skills in a Cohort of Community College Students

By: Ronette A. Shaw, Assistant Professor, MSN, FNP, R.N., Nursing Program, Allied Health Department
and Dr
. Elys Vasquez-Iscan, (Corresponding Author), Assistant Professor,
Education Department, Health Education Unit Coordinator,
Hostos Community College of the City University of New York



The nursing profession is currently focusing on improvements in patient-provider relationships and is utilizing simulation as an approach to increase competency and empathy of healthcare providers as they develop preemptive skills. In nursing, simulation training utilizes technology that mimics human body parts or model body systems to provide nursing students a simulated real world setting in a safe practicing environment. At Hostos Community College, a faculty member in the licensed practical nursing program (LPN) integrated constructs of critical pedagogy theory with simulation training for LPN students. This article discusses the results of preliminary data from a survey assessing the LPN students’ level of confidence in learning the three domains of nursing skills (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) and highlights the importance of future research to analyze the impact of simulation training specific to nursing practice and care. The article also underscores the utility of critical pedagogy in simulation training for nursing students as an effective tool to educate health care providers about the social and structural barriers impacting patient health outcomes.