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Authors Volume VI, Fall Issue

Article 1: Comparison of Student’s retention of core concepts in Traditional, Hybrid and Writing-Intensive Allied Health Microbiology and Infection Control Courses.

Shazia Khan HETS #2Author: Dr. Shazia Khan

Associate Professor
Biological Sciences Department
Bronx Community College, C.U.N.Y.

Nina Sarkar is an Associate Professor at Department of Biological Sciences, Bronx Community College of City University of New York. Prior to coming to BCC, she served as an Adjunct Lecturer at both Hostos Community College and Lehman College. While at Lehman College, earned her Doctorate in Biology (subprogram Plant Sciences) as a CUNY Graduate Center student. Sarkar joined BCC as assistant professor in 2003. There became interested in Pedagogical research when asked to put together a professional Development Plan, and believe that that was one of the best thing that happened to her, since it has allowed her to reflect on my teaching and to improve and grow as an educator.