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Manuel Correa, PhD.

ManuelCorrea4Professor and Academic Coordinator

 Noncredit International Program

Berkeley College

Dr. Correa joined Berkeley College in 2002 as an adjunct faculty member in the Management Department. He became a full-time faculty member in 2007, and teaches a full curriculum in management and business courses both online and onsite. He was asked to take over as Chair, Business Department, of Dover Business College, 2009 – 2011 in preparation of the re-accreditation and eventual merger with Berkeley College. He is bilingual, speaking English and Spanish.

As Coordinator of Noncredit International Programs, Dr. Correa has expanded a program in which students of European business schools come to Berkeley College to attend classes.  The program currently includes 20 colleges and universities from Europe, whose students can participate in six different curriculum’s to satisfy their study abroad requirements.

Before coming to Berkeley College, Dr. Correa spent 30 years in the business sector, with experience in the electric utilities, financial services and executive search industries. Some of his accomplishments include:

•          As Vice President of Marketing for an executive search firm, he was instrumental in quadrupling the firm’s corporate revenues in two years and in acquiring the world’s 3rd largest pharmaceutical organization as a client.

•          As Director of Corporate Planning for a financial services company in New York, he spearheaded a nationwide expansion while concurrently instituting a company wide project management system.

Contact info:

Address: Larry L. Luing School of Business, Berkeley College

12 East 41 Street

New York, NY 10017


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