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Edgar Gonzalez

Edgar-Portrait-1Director of Distance Education
Center for Online Learning and Teaching Technology (COLTT)
University of Texas – Pan American (UTPA)

 Edgar Gonzalez has over fifteen years of experience in the development and implementation of distance education. Mr. Gonzalez has played a leadership role in online education, as Director of the Center for Online Learning and Teaching Technology (COLTT) at the University of Texas – Pan American, which has led to a significant increase in the number of online courses and programs as well as the number of students participating in distance education. Edgar has had the opportunity to apply his understanding in the field of online/distance education to provide leadership, service, and direction in the development and functions related to e-learning, instructional design, and instructional technology initiatives. The role of COLTT has not only been to increase the number of online courses, but to enhance the academic rigor and excellence of online courses and programs. Under Edgar’s leadership, an Online Exemplary Course Program was established at UT Pan American to ensure high quality and academic rigor of online courses; stipends are awarded to faculty to incentivize faculty participation in online education. A Quality Matters Rubric for online courses was also implemented to pursue national certification of online courses. Finally, a “Blueprinting” Process for online courses and programs has been developed to systematically incorporate quality assurance into the design and development of online courses at UT Pan American.

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