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Mrs. Cynthia Suárez-Espinal

cynthia_pictureMrs. Cynthia Suárez-Espinal has worked in higher education in various capacities for over 15 years, and has brought a wealth of creativity, imagination, and innovation to the profession, as an educator, manager, and leader.  Mrs. Suárez-Espinal is a Bronx native who attended St. Bonaventure University in upstate New York where she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Master of Science Degree in Counseling Education.  Following her passion to help students and as a HEOP alumna, Mrs. Suarez-Espinal became a Counselor and shortly thereafter, Associate Director/Adviser for the Higher Education Opportunity Program at Barnard College for eight years.

In 2007, Mrs. Suárez-Espinal became the College Discovery Coordinator of Academic Support Services at Bronx Community College (BCC).  Shortly thereafter in 2011, she became the Director for the College Discovery Program.  She serves as the co-chair for the Council of SEEK/CD Directors for the CUNY Office of Special Programs.  She is a founding member of the Gamma Rho Chapter of the Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society at BCC.  Mrs. Suarez-Espinal resides in the Bronx with her husband and two daughters.


Contact Info:
Mrs. Cynthia Suárez-Espinal
Director for the College Discovery Program
Co-Chair for the Council of SEEK/CD Directors for the CUNY Office of Special programs
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York (CUNY)
Mail: Bronx Community College
2155 University Avenue
Bronx, N.Y. 10453
Phone: (718)289-5726


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