Dr. Andres Cruz Santos Carlos Albizu University El Dr. Andres Cruz Santos vive en el pueblo de Cidra Puerto Rico. Es un …
Mr. Carlos A. Crespo Santiago
Mr. Carlos A. Crespo Santiago President COBIMET Carlos Crespo Santiago is the Executive Director for COBIMET, inc. and has …
Ms. Deira Pereyra
Ms. Deira Pereyra Lehman College of the City University of New York (CUNY) Deira Pereyra currently directs the application …
Ms. Lisa Moalem
Ms. Lisa Moalem Lehman College of the City University of New York (CUNY) Lisa Moalem, Director of the Office of Academic …
Ms. Laurie Austin
Ms. Laurie Austin Lehman College of the City University of New York (CUNY) Laurie Austin has been an Admissions professional …
Dulce Maldonado Muñoz
Originally from the Federal District of Mexico City, Dulce Maldonado Muñoz moved to the United States at a young age and in 2013 …
Dr. Omayra Caraballo-Pagán
Dr. Omayra Caraballo Pagán is Assistant Vice President of Distance Education at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico, a …
Quality Management Serving More Students Through Distance Education: Experience of two HSI
General Description of the Project: Higher education institutions in their quest to develop new ways to meet students' needs have …
Ms. Indra Paola Pelaez
Ms. Indra Paola Pelaez Houston Community College Indra Paola Pelaez serves as the Interim Associate Vice Chancellor of …
Dr. Carlos R. Morales
Carlos R. Morales, PhD TCC Connect Campus- Tarrant County College Dr. Carlos Morales is founding President of TCC Connect …