The Hispanic Educational Technology Services (HETS) was established in 1993. HETS is the first bilingual consortium constituted by more than 40 higher education institutions in Puerto Rico, United Sates and Latin America. The organization’s mission is to promote, support, and increase the capabilities of member institutions in order to enhance Hispanic/Latino student success and opportunities in Higher Education.
To learn more:
Our Philosophy: Higher ED..Higher Vision
Organizational Structure
HETS Bylaws, as amended on 2012, dedicate its Article III to the HETS Board of Directors. On this article establishes that the affairs of the Consortium shall be managed by the Board of Directors. Each member institution may have a representative in the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee, which leads the Board of Directors, is elected by Board representatives from member institutions.
Our History | Annual Reports
Along its history, this organization has taken advantage of the rapid proliferation of technology and the expansion of the Internet to support colleges and universities in creating and improving educational opportunities for Hispanic students. HETS’ leadership in furthering academic advancement and providing other educational support services stands on its membership. The Consortium looks into a future of innovation, effective relations, knowledge building, and both inter-institutional and intersectoral collaboration for the success of Hispanic post-secondary education.
Our Leaders
Through our history, HETS has been privileged to gather an outstanding number of renowned educational leaders. Many of these leaders have guided the organization’s steps since its inception, as founding parents, while others have joined along the way, leaving significant contributions.