The Hispanic Educational Technology Services (HETS) was established in 1993. HETS is the first bilingual consortium constituted by more than 40 higher education institutions in Puerto Rico, United Sates and Latin America. The organization’s mission is to promote, support, and increase the capabilities of member institutions in order to enhance Hispanic/Latino student success and opportunities in Higher Education.
To learn more:
Vision, Mission & Objectives
Our Philosophy: Higher ED..Higher Vision
Our Focus Areas
Organizational Structure
The HETS Consortium is governed by its Board of Directors, constituted by Presidents of affiliated institutions and responsible for making the Consortium decisions regarding strategic issues.
The Executive Board Committee consists of the officers of the Board of Directors (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) and regional representatives. This Committee exercises the powers of the Board of Directors in-between meetings.
The Executive Director, who heads the main office at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Metropolitan Campus (Office 532), is the principal executive officer of the consortium, coordinating and supervising all duties incident to the HETS central office. The Executive Director of HETS serves on the Executive Committee as an ex-officio non-voting member, and works directly with the HETS Institutional Contacts and the HETS Task Forces to collaboratively support HETS projects, institutional initiatives, and special projects. These groups are also a key feedback and assessment source with regards to the performance of the organization, as on the needs of members.
HETS Bylaws

HETS Bylaws Booklet Amended, June 2012