Dr. Yubelkys Montalvo
HETS Executive Director
Click on her name to read a brief bio in English or Spanish of the Executive Director
Watch her video in our YouTube Channel
(787) 250-1912, ext. 2372; (787) 616-3201

Izarys G. Gutiérrez Soto
HETS Executive Assistant
To read a brief bio in English or Spanish of Izarys, click on read more (787) 250-1912, ext. 2373;

Dr. Rosalind Martínez Viscovich
HETS Student and Academic Services Consultant
To read a brief bio in English or Spanish of Rosalind, click on read more
(787) 250-1912, ext. 2372 & 2373;

Stephanie M. Pérez Cabrera
HETS Marketing and Communications Director
To read a brief bio in English of Stephanie, click on read more (787) 250-1912, ext. 2372; (787) 452-5127

Dr. Karen Rivera
Student Services Collaborator
Watch her video on our YouTube Channel
(787) 250-1912, ext. 2372; (787) 616-3201

Dr. Wilmarie Latorre
Emeritus Organizational Development Consultant
(787) 250-1912, ext. 2372 & (787) 616-3201
Our mailing address:
Universidad Interamericana de PR, Metro Campus (Office 532)
P.O. Box 191293 | San Juan, PR 00919-1293
Physical address:
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico Recinto Metropolitano, Office 532
Road PR # 1 Francisco Seín Corner, Río Piedras, PR 00919