La Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico llevará a cabo su tradicional CASA ABIERTA el sábado, 16 de …
HETS Leadership Perspective during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ever since its inception in 1993, the Hispanic Educational Technology Services (HETS), formerly known as Hispanic Educational …
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HETS Leadership Perspective Series
Officers of the HETS Board of Directors, constituted by the presidents or designated representatives of each member institution, …
HETS Virtual Events
As a result of the crisis caused by Covid-19, HETS as part of its focus and mission, has been providing special support to member …
On its sixth edition, the 2020 Best Practices Showcase gathered more than 25 Institutions from Puerto Rico, Latin America, and United States in San Juan.
A sixth edition of the HETS Best Practices Showcase was held in Puerto Rico, bringing together more than 25 of its member …
La CASA ABIERTA está dirigida a estudiantes de maestrías y bachilleratos y a otros profesionales con interés de continuar estudios …
Continue Reading about UIPR FACULTAD DE DERECHO – CASA ABIERTA – 30 MARZO 2019
Casa llena durante la celebración del 5to Aniversario del HETS Student Leadership Showcase.
Más de 700 estudiantes participaron del 5to Aniversario del HETS Student Leadership Showcase el pasado viernes, 14 de septiembre …
Casa Abierta Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Interamericana de PR (2 diciembre 2017).
Descargue aquí el afiche del evento La Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico llevará a cabo su …
HETS re opens its office after Hurricane María hits Puerto Rico-
We are pleased to inform that HETS office has been operating from October 10th, 2017. HETS office remained closed since September …
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Vivencias para toda una vida.
(Click here to read the English version) Albert M. Troche, estudiante doctoral de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, …