Higher Education helps cities, states, and nations get effectively inserted into global economy. At the same time, education is a discipline, process, sector, and enterprise immersed in an era of continuing changes in which technology and the focus on information and the economy of knowledge have their own say. Contemporary trends are moving not only Higher Education but sectors and companies across all fields towards a trend of constant innovation. For most of them, innovating and renovating are attached to the potential of new technologies in their productiveness, competitiveness, and enhancement of their resources. In fact, technologies can get to be the full expression of an enterprise’s and a leader’s highest ideals with respect to the optimum functioning of the organization.
To the Hispanic Educational Technology Services (HETS) Consortium and its members, technology innovations provide Higher Education institutions with new potential strategic options to achieve success in all their organizational domains. We believed that technologies can especially transform service delivery styles and open the doors to a larger spectrum of audiences. Institutionally, technology continuously supports the facilitation of the teaching-learning process and fosters the expansion of a web of services that promote learner success. Furthermore, it strengthens institutional capabilities to collaborate with one another in a world where it is increasingly necessary to create economies of scales in order to expand the possibilities of local learners and global learners.
The HETS Consortium not only understands but promotes the importance of integrating technologies in education as a way of supporting member institutions in accomplishing competitiveness and achieving their ultimate goal: student success. Achieving Higher Education involves looking and aiming at possibilities with a Higher Vision. This is what our members instill in their constituencies…. and this is what HETS expects to instill in its members.