Virtual HETS Best Practices Showcase 2015
Home | Call for Proposals | Schedule | Showcase Tracks | HETS Board Meeting | Registration | Lodging/Hotel Reservations
Celebrating Innovation in Access, Retention and Assessment in Distance Learning
Education to Promote Hispanic Student Success in Higher Education
HETS Board Meeting
With our 2015 Virtual Best Practices Showcase, HETS will also celebrate its winter Board Meeting in Puerto Rico on January 15-16, 2015, receiving representatives from it’s member institutions. This is a closed session.
For those traveling outside Puerto Rico, HETS has negotiated a group rate of $179 per night (plus taxes) at the Condado Plaza in San Juan, PR. Group rate has been sold out, however you may contact Mr. Carlos Basadre at the hotel if you need to change or make a reservation at (787) 721- 1000 xt. 2039 or via email to: