Home | Schedule | Showcase Tracks | HETS Board Meeting | Registration
Dates: January 17 to February 8, 2013
1st Week –January 17, 2013
January 17 | Live Opening Presentation @ the IAUPR Metro Campus
Live Transmission: 1:30 – 3:00 pm (AST / Puerto Rico time)Recorded session available! |
Asynchronous presentations are available |
Live Transmissions: 2nd week – Tuesday, January 22 to 25, 2013
January 22 | Track : Retention and Assessment efforts in Distance Learning
By: Víctor Hugo Zapata Flórez
Educación a distancia que promueve el aprendizaje efectivo de estudiantes graduados.
Live transmission: Recorded session available!
Live transmission: Recorded session available! |
January 23 | Track: Authentication Rigor e integridad académica By: Dr. Omayra Caraballo Pagán Institution: Inter American University of PR, Ponce Campus Language: Spanish
Improving Success and Retention in Post Secondary Online Programs
Live transmission: 10:30 -11:30 am (AST/ Puerto Rico time)Recorded session available!Live transmission: 3:30 – 4:30 pm (AST/ Puerto Rico time)Recorded session available! |
January 24 | Track 3: Equivalence Not Flex Time Courses, but Flex Place By: David Sturges Institution: University of Texas- Pan American Language: EnglishTrack: Retention and Assessment efforts in Distance Learning Encouraging and Motivating Minority Engineering Students Through Remote Summer Research Initiative By: Tanvir Prince & Nieves Angulo
Live Transmission: 10:30 -11:30 am (AST/ Puerto Rico time)Recorded session available! Live transmission: 3:30 – 4:30 pm (AST/ Puerto Rico time)Recorded session available! |
Live webcast presentations will be archived at the platform and will be accessible with the rest of asynchronous presentations. |
3rd week & 4th week – January 26 to February 8, 2013
Asynchronous presentations will be uploaded and available Track: Retention and Assessment efforts in Distance LearningPresentation: Assessment & Retention in Hybrid Anatomy & Physiology Class Presentation: Best Practices for Proactive Intervention and Screening of E-Learning Students Presentation: Early African History and Latino Students Presentation:Promoting Student Engagement in the online environment: An Overview of Learner-Centered Instructional Practices Presentation: Extended office hours in the video-conference mode in the Blackboard learning environment Presentation: A 5-Year Longitudinal Study of the Demographics of Online Hispanic Students Presentation: Strategies and rationales for implementing cooperative instructional techniques that can move a class from followers to collaborators Presentation: Perception of Interaction and Academic Performance in a Hispanic Serving Institution Presentation: Implementing an e-mentoring program for faculty: the Faculty Coach Presentation: El efecto del uso de la estrategia de la bitácora electrónica en el nivel de ejecución de la comunicación escrita argumentativa del estudiantado de primer año de cursos de español básico de una institución universtaria privada
Live online presentations:
The highest scored six presentations will be presenting live upon speakers’ availability. Presentations will be recorded to have them accessible to all participants after the session. Presenter is responsible of technical requirements and to coordinate tests prior the presentation to guaranty the connection to HETS platform. These presentations will be selected based on the evaluations score.
Asynchronous presentations:
Selected additional scored presentations besides the top six will be upload it asynchronous at the Virtual from the opening date. Presenter is responsible of recording a video in the format required to upload it by December 20, 2012 with the Power Point presentation. The video will be up to 30 minutes long. All participants’ questions should be replied in a period of 48 hours, after posted. Presenters will have access to the system where presentations are uploaded to read questions and be able to answer them for the benefit of all participants. Participants will have the option of see the presentation online or download it as a podcasts.