The organizations and associations listed represent a vast range of professional groups for faculty and administrators in various disciplines. However, the emphasis will be towards those that incorporate the use of technology to meet the goals of administrators or faculty that teach or require the acquisition of technology skills or technology knowledge.
American Association of University Administrators (AAUA) – was founded in 1970 in Buffalo, New York. The Association is chartered as a non-profit, educational organization in compliance with the laws of the State of New York. AAUA was established as – and remains – a professional organization.
Membership in AAUA is open to any individual interested in higher education leadership and administration. The AAUA membership includes presidents, deans, directors, department chairpersons, and individuals working in a variety of other administrative positions. A special membership category is open to individuals retired from the profession, and another serves students preparing for careers in university administration.
eLearning Guild – The eLearning Guild is the oldest and most trusted source of information, networking, and community for eLearning Professionals. As a member-driven organization, the Guild produces conferences, online events, e-books, research reports, and Learning Solutions Magazine—all devoted to the idea that the people who know the most about making eLearning successful, are the people who produce eLearning every day in corporate, government, and academic settings. The goal is to create a place where eLearning professionals can share their knowledge, expertise, and ideas to build a better industry—and better learning experiences—for everyone.