Through special reports, HETS discusses and analyzes members technology needs, common interests, and potential areas of collaboration. They also serve as means to disseminate best practices among our members. Click here to see the Special Report
Synergies for Student Success
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HETS has decided to focus on one of the major challenge impacting its members: student retention rates. Based on research, colleges and universities should have administrative policies and resources (academic, social, and cultural) geared toward access, retention, and attainment. These policies and resources are expected to be consistent with their mission and market niche. Nowadays, it is vital to deal with educational attainment rates at public and private four-year colleges and community colleges, in order to help students succeed in their college education, particularly when these rates vary considerably with student background characteristics.
Aware of the existing major concerns for college student retention, the HETS Consortium launched a series of Roundtable Discussions on Student Retention in Higher Education. So far the institutions that had been engaged under this initiative are:
Puerto Rico
- Inter American University of Puerto Rico
- Ana G. Mendez University System
- University of the Sacred Heart
- Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico
- Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico
- Humacao Community College
- Carlos Albizu University, San Juan Campus
- University of Puerto Rico
New York
- Queensborough Community College
- John Jay College of Criminal Justice
- Borough of Manhattan Community College
- Medgar Evers College
- Hostos Community College
- Richard J. Daley College
- Harold Washington College
- Kennedy-King College
- Malcolm X College
- Olive-Harvey College
- Harry S Truman College
- Wilbur Wright College
The purpose of this event is to discuss student retention strategies and initiatives developed and implemented at HETS member institutions, at the same time participants have an opportunity to network with colleagues from this area at other institutions. Finally, this event will lead to the compilation of a complete document on Best Practices on Student Retention in Higher Education, based on these roundtable discussions.
Specific Objectives
- Enumerate student retention strategies (srs)at each institution
- Contrast SRS among participating institutions
- Identify common weaknesses and possible solutions
- Identify educational leaders that can be voluntarily engaged with this initiative in order to materialize the recommendations obtained at this event.
- Publish a compilation of the HETS Members´ SRS best practices
Specially design for:
Dean of Students
Student Retention Managers
Student Support Services Staff
Student Counselors
Title V Directors
Grant Managers
Institutional Researchers
Get Involved!!!
We encourage you to send us your feedback at to expand this collaborative knowledge base and to keep improving the ways to support your institutional projects.