HETS Best Practices on Assessment Strategies
HETS Assessment event will take place on June 29, 2011 at
Lehman College
HETS it’s delighted to celebrate an Assessment event at Lehman College (Bronx, NY) to highlight the Best Practices in Assessing Student Learning and Institutional Effectiveness. This event will take place on Wednesday, June 29, 2011 from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm at the Music Building, Faculty Dining (Ground Floor), Lehman College. For those interested, but not able to attend, just click here to watch the live UStream transmission the day of the event.
After the evaluation of submitted proposals from different HETS Member Institutions, John Jay College, Queensborough Community college, Berkeley College and Bronx Community College have been selected to showcase their Assessment Best Practices during this event. Also, we will have a special guest from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE): Dr. Tito Guerrero, III, Vice President of MSCHE.
This is an excellent opportunity to identify strategies, in higher education, focused on impacting the Hispanic student population by enhancing retention, college completion, and successful learning outcomes. Certainly, these are excellent examples of success and we want to offer the opportunity to share this expertise and you are welcome to participate on it.
This Assessment Event is free of charge, but spaces are limited. Please reserve your space by sending an e-mail to info@hets.org or calling 1-(787)-766-2600 ext. 8910 no later than Monday, June 13, 2011. Lodging for those traveling outside New York will be at the The Lucerne Hotel at 201 West 79th Street New York, NY. To take advantage of the HETS group rate of $250 per night (plus taxes) contact the HETS office (info@hets.org or calling 1-(787)-766-2600 ext. 8910) to facilitate your hotel reservation.