By: Francisco Garcia, Dr. Claudia Vela & Elizabeth Zamarron
A series of trainings on Teaching for Student Engagement in the Hybrid Classroom were offered to faculty in the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley in preparation for the upcoming fall 2021 semester. This was a one-week professional development series intended to create a reflective and collaborative space where participants explored best practices for teaching and engaging students in learning in the hybrid classroom environment. Teaching conversations were facilitated by Instructional Designers and faculty members with experience teaching online and hybrid. Faculty testimonials about the sessions included “Seeing different styles of teaching and technology – I liked that we were able to talk to other faculty members and share. We never have the opportunity to talk and share. ” and ” the workshop provided me with different programs and methods to engage my students in the classroom and online. For example, embedding questions in my lecture. Creating discussions students can participate regardless of method.”