Speaker: Dr. Jesenia Minier, Chief Diversity Officer/ADA and Title IX Coordinator at Western Connecticut State University
Brief description of the topic: Title IX promotes gender equity in educational settings and requires schools to ensure that programs and activities are free from gender discrimination. To comply with Title IX, schools have to stay current with the changes each new White House administration enacts. Cancel culture refers to a variety of descriptors, but is best defined as boycotting those in positions of authority when their public speech or behavior goes against popular doctrinaire or mainstream beliefs. Achieving a balance between expectations and compliance realities has always been a struggle. However, the stakes are higher now for Title IX offices, schools, and colleges because of the explosion of cancel culture. The presenter will provide expert testimonials, presentation data, and interactive exercises to best explain bridging public expectations and compliance obligations while maintaining an equitable Title IX environment for students on college campuses.
Date: Friday, May 12, 2023
Presentación: Download the presentation in PDF here
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