By: Dr. Amy Cable
The population most heavily impacted by the downturn in the economy as a result of the impact of COVID-19 were those in low skilled jobs. Louisiana’s Community and Technical Colleges committed to support this population to reskill or upskill, to reboot their career, utilizing $10 million in CARES Act funds through the Governor’s Education Emergency Response grant. More than 5,000 adults earned “on-ramp” credentials of value in one year.
Participants will learn how Reboot Your Career was developed with public and private data and partners conducting an operational forecast and training plan which determined high-demand, entry-level occupations in five targeted growing industries:
Healthcare, Manufacturing, Construction, Transportation/Logistics, and Information Technology; how credentials were then aligned to those jobs; how funding was braided to maximize effectiveness; and what is next as Louisiana transitions to the state’s first-ever adult promise program in 2022