We are pleased to announce our new service: HETS Commons! Just go to http://hets.org/commons/ and join this exclusive community today. The purpose of HETS Commons is to provide a social-networking platform that seeks to establish and provide a space for collaboration and exchange of ideas, knowledge, and best practices among all HETS member institutions. HETS appreciates your support with this new project. The HETS Commons is powered by the CBOX (similar to the CUNY Academic Commons) and WordPress multi-sites, and offers a variety of features, including blogs, groups, member profiles, discussion forums, and wiki pages, the Commons provides you with tools to create your own networks, connect to your colleagues, and share your projects with the larger HETS community and the wider public.
To join just click on the HETS Commons logo in our homepage or the promotional banner (see image below). Registration requires a .edu email address, though you are welcome to associate another email address with your account after your profile has been created. We encourage you to invite your colleagues to the HETS Commons after your account becomes active, so they can benefit from this service as well.
Credits: Instructions adapted from the CUNY Academic Commons Tour (http://codex.commons.gc.cuny.edu/take-the-tour)