Description of the project: El proyecto tiene como objetivo principal modernizar y digitalizar los procesos de gestión y comercialización en una empresa litográfica de Medellín, contribuyendo al fortalecimiento de su estructura organizativa y al crecimiento de su alcance en el mercado local. Mediante la implementación de un sistema de software integral, se logró optimizar la gestión de inventarios, pedidos y cotizaciones, además de mejorar la interacción con los clientes a través de canales virtuales más accesibles.
Sergio Alberto Vargas Marín
Sergio Alberto Vargas Marín is a student of Software Engineering at the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. During his training, he has worked on several projects focused on technological innovation applied to business management. His experience includes the development of software systems for the automation of processes and the improvement of operational efficiency in small and medium enterprises. Currently he continues his studies as a student of Software Engineering at the Medellin Campus of the University.
Eder Alonso Acevedo Marín
Eder Alonso Acevedo Marín, Systems Engineer, Master in Free Software and Teaching Specialist. He serves as Professor and Coordinator of the Software Engineering program at the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Campus Medellin, contributing to the academic development of software programs in the city.
With experience in the technology industry, he has held positions as SEO and CTO in companies specializing in cybersecurity, digital marketing and cloud infrastructure. He is known for his expertise in open source technologies, technology infrastructure and information security.