More than 40 colleges and universities constitute HETS. Corporate members and partners from the United States, Puerto Rico, and Latin America, nonprofit organizations related to technology and education, as well as individuals, have joined this vast and varied group of institutions. HETS has also opened its doors to high schools interested in taking advantage of technology to successfully guide their students towards a university career.
HETS started in 1993 as a small group of institutions interested in sharing courses at a distance, since then, it has grown to be a hub where a continuously increasing number of colleges, universities, corporations, and other organizations that collaborate and network in different scenarios and from different perspectives. Technology is the link that gathers of all them together in this collaborative web. Its inception was encouraged and directed by a group of seven American and Puerto Rican universities and professional technical colleges that joined together to form this non-profit organization. The original seven founding members included the Ana G. Mendez University System, Lehman College, Hostos Community College, University of New Mexico, University of Puerto Rico, University of Texas-Brownsville, and University of Texas-Pan Am. Our Member Categories are the following: