The University of Texas-Pan American is an institution with a keen eye for the use of learning technologies in both the traditional and online classrooms to serve the over 17,000 undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled.
With wireless capability now available in several buildings and a campus-wide wireless network slated for implementation in Fall 2005, UTPA is an institution with an eye on the future. In addition, as of Fall 2004 over 8,000 students are using WebCT to take a course either completely online or to augment a traditional seat-based course. Providing support to the students and faculty using WebCT is the Center for Distance Learning and Teaching Excellence (CDL). The CDL is a full-service department offering instructional design support, a graphics artist, 24/7 Helpdesk, and other highly trained support staff.
For more information about UTPAÂ’s technology efforts or on the Center for Distance Learning, please contact:
Dr. Wendy Lawrence-Fowler
Interim Director – Center for Distance Learning
(956)-381-2979 –