Fundada en 1903, es el sistema de educación universitaria más antiguo de Puerto Rico. Comenzó su primer año académico con una matrícula de 173 alumnos. Graduó su primera clase en junio de 1907.
Hoy día, la Universidad de Puerto Rico comprende once recintos acreditados por el Consejo de Educación Superior de Puerto Rico y la Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools . Su oferta curricular a nivel de bachillerato y a nivel graduado es la más completa en Puerto Rico. Tres de sus recintos están calificados como recintos doctorales y de investigación. La UPR es uno de los centros culturales y académicos más dinámicos del Caribe y el mundo hispano.
La comunidad de la UPR cuenta con aproximadamente 70,000 estudiantes, 5,200 profesores y 14,000 empleados no docentes.
*The University of Puerto Rico has a strong tradition of and commitment to providing an outstanding education and graduating well-prepared students. The University of Puerto Rico System (UPR), comprised of a total of eleven units–three graduate campuses and eight four-year colleges–is one of the premier Hispanic Serving Institutions. It produces more underrepresented minority Ph.D.s across all fields than any other institution in the nation. Serving as the baccalaureate-source institution for close to twenty percent of all science, mathematics, engineering and technology (SMET) doctoral degrees conferred to Hispanics nationwide, UPR is also a major source of minority Ph.D.s at other universities. Currently classified as a Doctoral University by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, UPR is committed to continuing to be a strong teaching institution and to becoming an outstanding Research University in the next two years.