Description of the project: The Modeling and Simulation Through Education and Research Workforce Program (MASTER Workforce) at Inter American University of Puerto Rico is a project sponsored by the Modeling and Simulation Program of the US-DoE. It is an innovative, interdisciplinary approach to STEM education that integrates mathematics, biology, chemistry, business, and computer science experts, demonstrating the unifying role of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) across STEM disciplines. The program is also a multi-level mentorship structure where students and research mentors interact in group research on M&S projects. By emphasizing computational tools and interdisciplinary knowledge, MASTER Workforce addresses the critical need for advanced STEM education, particularly for underrepresented groups. The program’s hands-on virtual approach better prepares students for real-world challenges, enhancing their employability and fostering innovation.
Dr. Alvaro Lecompte is a curriculum innovator and full professor of Physics and Mathematics at Inter American University of PR (IAUPR), San German Campus. He earned a Doctor Rerum Naturalium (DRerNat) and MS in Physics from the University of Vienna. Currently he is the coordinator of the graduate program in Applied Mathematics and PI of two US-DoE awards, MASTER Workforce Project and Hybrid Laboratory Experiences (HyLAB), and multiple pedagogical research projects on math education and computation. He has been the advisor or co-advisor of more than 20 Doctoral dissertations covering topics in Math Education, Econometrics and Statistics. He is author/co-author of more than ten Physics and Mathematics Research papers.
Dr. Eddie Arrieta is Assistant Professor of mathematics and Advisor Coordinator of the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Bayamon Campus. He has a 2021-PhD in Mathematics from the UPR-Rio Piedras Campus, and MS from University of São Paulo, Brazil. He has published more than three research papers on Code Theory in the past 2 years.
He is the student coordinator of the MASTER Workforce project, funded by the US-DoE as an inter-campus collaboration to develop novel curriculum on Modeling and Simulation.
Dr. Gisela I. Carrero Morales is a full professor in the Department of Business Administration at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Bayamon Campus. She has a doctorate from the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, in International Business/Commerce and a master’s degree from Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio in Marketing. She has published in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Carrero-Morales has participated as a speaker at local and international conferences such as ICSB and CLADEA. Her research interests are in the areas of entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses, internationalization of SMEs and business networks, among others. She has given talks to graduate students at the University of Valencia, in Valencia, Spain and Universidad Nacional del Litoral in Santa Fe, Argentina. In addition, she has participated in a global competitiveness program with her students, advising SMEs in Argentina. She is mentor of students at Inter Bayamon chapter of Enactus and at the MASTER Workforce 2024 Summer Institute. Also is part of the first group with Entrepreneurship Certification in Puerto Rico offered by Echar Pa’lante.