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Applicant Title / Título: Adjunct Assistant Professor/Reference Librarian
Institution or System / Institución o Sistema: CUNY Bronx Community College
Preferred edition / Edición de preferencia: February 25 to 28, 2025 / 25 al 28 de febrero de 2025
Have taught an online course in the past three years / ¿Ha enseñado un curso en línea en los pasados tres años?: No
Have taken an online course in the past three years / ¿Ha tomado un curso en línea en los pasados tres años?: Yes
Have you been in charge of an instructional technology initiative / ¿Ha liderado alguna iniciativa de tecnología instruccional?: No
Have you been in charge of a distance education initiative / ¿Ha liderado alguna iniciativa de educación a distancia?: No
Years of experience in Higher Education / Años de experiencia en educación superior: 0-5 years
Gender / Género: Male
Age Range / Edad: 41 to 50
Are you Hispanic / ¿Es usted hispano?: Yes
Race Category / Raza: Black
PART II: Education / Educación:
Highest Earned Degree / Grado más alto de educación obtenido: MSIS
College/University / Colegio/Universidad: SUNY Albany
Field/Major / Campo de estudio/Especialidad: Information Science
Other Degrees Earned / Otros grados obtenidos: BBA and MSL
PART III: Experience / Experiencia:
Present Responsibilities / Resumen de responsabilidades:
Provide reference and information literacy instructional service.
Sharing information with faculty and students related to information resources in all formats.
Communicating and collaborating with the faculty librarians supporting the advancement of best practices, new services, and new
library information technologies.
Creating and maintaining instructional materials related to all library resources and services.
Preparing lectures and discussion questions for class.
Assigning reading and practice material.
Provide constructive feedback for students.
Supervision of library support staff.
Perform other related duties as required.
Academic and Professional Distinctions and Honors / Reconocimientos y premios académicos y profesionales:
MSIS from SUNY Albany 2022
MSL from Northeastern University 2018
BBA Monroe University 2016
AS CUNY Bronx Community College 2013
iTech award 2024 (NYPL)
Civil and Community Activities / Actividades civiles y comunitarias:
I create and teach civics based classes at the New York Public Library: Citizenship Prep class, The United States Federal Government Class, New York State Government Class and The City Of New York Government class.
Professional Goals / Metas profesionales:
Professionally I would like to become a tenure professor within the next 5 to 7 years. I will also be seeking to obtain a PHD in history within the next 2 to 3 years.
Please explain what you expect to gain by participating in the H-LTLA / Explique lo que espera adquirir al participar en la H-LTLA:
I expect to gain a better understanding of artificial intelligence and how to best use this emerging technology.
PART IV: Professional References / Referencias profesionales:
Professional Reference #1 (Include name, title, institution, phone, and email) / Referencia profesional #1:
Quiana M. Valerio
Director of Facilities
New York Public Library
Professional Reference #2 (Include name, title, institution, phone, and email) / Referencia profesional #2:
Arianna Gonzalez-Williams
Parkchester Branch Manager
New York Public Library
Professional Reference #3 (Include name, title, institution, phone, and email) / Referencia profesional #3:
LaRoi Lawton
Assistant Professor/Head of Learning Services
CUNY Bronx Community College
718.289.5100, ext: 5348
Upload a letter from a president, chancellor, or administrator / Carta de recomendación:
See the recommendation letter
PART V: Initiative and Mentor / Iniciativa y mentor:
A letter describing a project that you will consider implementing at your campus or organization with the name of the Mentor of your preference. Your Mentor can be different from your references and should be a staff with experience in the area selected. / Una carta que describa un proyecto que considerará implementar en su campus u organización con el nombre del mentor de su preferencia:
See the Initiative letter
PART VI: Statement of Purpose / Declaración de Intención:
1. From your perspective, what are the top three issues facing higher education today? Why? (no more than 300 words) / Desde su perspectiva, ¿cuáles son los tres principales problemas que enfrenta la educación superior hoy día? ¿Por qué?:
Artificial Intelligence: how it’s used as an educational tool, how it’s used ethically by students, how it’s viewed and used by faculty and how to incorporate AI into everyday academia going forward.
Funding: the lack of funding, lower enrollment numbers for many universities/colleges, more virtual classes, more hybrid classes, new students because of the influx of migrants over the last few years throughout the United States.
2. What are your own institution’s priorities and challenges with regard to leveraging instructional technology and distance education for the benefit of the entire organization? (no more than 300 words) / ¿Cuáles son las prioridades y los retos de su institución con respecto al aprovechamiento de la tecnología educativa y la educación a distancia en beneficio de toda la organización?:
I believe that my institutions biggest challenge when it comes leveraging instructional technology is students being able to use the technology properly, we have many older students who are less tech savy than younger students. My institution has done a great job in my opinion of embracing distance education (virtual and hybrid). Enrollment is down across the board but distance learning is going up meaning that newer students are more interested in distance learning than ever before.
3. If have the influence to instill change at your Institution, was one thing you could change, what would that be; and what is the unique aspect of your institution you would like to keep? (no more than 300 words) / Si pudiera influir para lograr algún cambio en su institución, ¿cuál sería? y ¿cuál es el aspecto único de su institución que le gustaría mantener?
If there is one thing that I would change about the institution that I work for is that I would create an introductory library one credit course that would be mandatory for all new students. I have found that many students don’t know the amount of resources provided in an academic library. I believe all students should be privy to everything an academic library provides. The unique aspect of my institution that I would keep is the location, I believe that it is a form of motivation for the community which one of the poorest in the city of New York.