Don’t miss the opportunity to share your expertise submitting a proposal for the 2021 Virtual HETS Best Practices Showcase on or before December 4, 2020. You can download the Call for Proposals document or submit online your proposal (either in English or Spanish) on the following link: 2021 VBPS Call for Proposals.
The 2021 HETS Virtual Best Practices Showcase will be held from February 4 – February 12, 2021, focused on three main tracks: Innovation, Retention, and Online Learning and Technology Integration. We invite you to save these dates to take advantage of all the presentations of this Virtual Best Practices Showcase. HETS seeks to highlight and celebrate the outstanding work of its member institutions in meaningfully and strategically using technology to achieve Hispanic student success. This event will be a combination of live and asynchronous online presentations. To learn more about this event visit: 2021 VIRTUAL BEST PRACTICES SHOWCASE.
See below the details of the event:
What: 2021 Virtual HETS Best Practices Showcase
When: February 4 to 12, 2021
Where: Virtual Conference (Online). After selecting the proposals, the event Schedule will be published to indicate the combination of live and asynchronous online presentations with forums to interact with presenters and participants.
Registration fees: HETS Members free of charge / $75.00 (all tracks). The registration link will be available soon.
Feel free to share this information to your faculty and administrators, so they can share their innovative projects too or benefit from the ones that will be showcased during the virtual event. For more information about this event, please contact HETS office via email to: or sending a text message to (787) 616-3201.