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From September 4, 2015, HETS has a new home. After 9 years hosted by Ana G. Méndez University System, HETS is relocating to the Inter American University of Puerto Rico. During these years, HETS had in AGMUS not only a host institution and a member, but one of its greatest collaborators. Throughout this time, HETS worked hand in hand with multiple departments and units at the AGMUS, including Sistema TV, its hosting unit.
“We are incredibly grateful for the hospitality and generosity of the leaders and staff at Ana G. Mendez. We are especially grateful to Dr. José F. Méndez, its President, not only for opening the doors to us, but making us feel at home and putting its resources at our service”, said Yubelkys Montalvo, HETS Executive Director.
HETS new host is another of its best collaborators. The Inter American University has been actively involved throughout the Consortium’s history. The institution has hosted many of HETS events, including the Student Leadership Showcase, multiple workshops, and HETS Board Meetings. Like AGMUS, the IAUPR is one of HETS founding members. Moreover, its President, Manuel J. Fernós is currently the President of HETS Board of Directors and one of HETS main supporters throughout the more than 20 years of history of the organization.
This is not the first time HETS has been hosted by the Inter American University. Nine years ago, from 2002 to 2006, HETS was hosted at the Central Office of the IAUPR. Before that, it was the University of Puerto Rico. Given the consortia nature of HETS, it is not uncommon for the organization to be hosted by different member institutions. This gives the organization an opportunity to interact more closely with other member institutions and impact them directly.
“We are very glad to be back at the Inter American University. We thank President Manuel Fernós for the opportunity to call the Inter American our home once more. We are certain that this new stage will continue opening doors for both HETS and the institution”, added the Executive Director.
HETS new office location will be at the Metropolitan Campus of the IAUPR in Cupey, Puerto Rico. Member institutions, partners, collaborators, and other stakeholders can now contact HETS at 787-250-1912, extensions 2372 and 2372 or