HETS Executive officers’ election were held during an historically virtual Board Meeting celebrated through Zoom digital platform, on June 25, 2020. More than 30 Board Members and special guests connected from Puerto Rico, United States and Colombia. As part of the meeting agenda, Dr. Carlos Morales, President, TCC Connect Campus of Tarrant County College from Texas, was elected as HETS Chair. Collaborating with Dr. Morales will be, Mr. Manuel J. Fernós, President of the Inter American University of Puerto Rico, as Vice Chair, Eng. Gladys Nieves, President of EDP University as Treasurer; and Dr. Carlos Vargas, President of Southeast Missouri State University as Secretary. Elected as Regional Representatives were: Dr. Tomás Morales, President, California State University San Bernardino; Dr. Havidán Rodríguez, President, University at Albany (SUNY); and Dr. Maritza Rondón, Chancellor of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. All appointments will start term on July 1st, 2020 for two years as stated in HETS Bylaws. We would like to recognize the hard work and commitment of the past officers during their tenure. We truly appreciate that they will be continuing serving as officers in a new role. To learn more about the newly appointed Officers visit: Meet the Executive Committee.
This Board meeting ends academic year 2019-2020, an intense year for the organization and its members, as it embarked on the implementation of recently new strategies evolved as the response of the new academic reality due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The strategic plan framework corresponding to years 2017-2020 focused on core areas of access, retention and successful completion, and online learning / technology integration was extended for an additional year in order to complete and adapt it to our new reality and provide better support to our member institutions and its communities.
Among the news shared with the Board were highlighted the major activities to support the organizational programmatic goals and added services such as: tailored workshops and webinar offerings; additional tools and services added to the HETS Virtual Plaza and HETS Website. Also, the results of our main events the HETS Best Practices Showcase, Student Leadership Showcase and Online Tours were presented, in which Student Ambassadors program participants shared with their peers the tools and resources free of charge available for them at the Student Placita of the HETS Virtual Plaza. Board members also welcomed representative from new member institution: Los Angeles Community College District and concluded the meeting with a virtual session with corporate members such as Blackboard, InQmatic, Inter Staff, and COBIMET.
For more information about HETS services, please visit www.hets.org, contact us via email info@hets.org or just call us at (787) 616-3201.