Call for Proposals
Celebrating Innovation in Access, Retention, and Online Learning and Technology to Promote Hispanic Student Success in Higher Education
February 7 – February 15, 2019
Click here to download 2019 VBPS Call for Proposals document
Process to submit your proposal
Submit a short proposal (no more than five pages long) using the electronic platform below:
The deadline to submit your proposal was extended to December 3rd, 2018, and the expected date to notify the status of the received proposals is December 17, 2018. Presentations of up to three presenters will be considered. Allotted time for live presentation will be of 30 minutes for presentation and up to 15 minutes for participants’ questions. Allotted time for upload / asynchronous presentations will be up to 30 minutes and participants’ questions will be submitted online and sent by email to be replied. Make sure to take into account the evaluation criteria when writing your proposal.
Evaluation Criteria
The Evaluation Committee will evaluate submitted projects on the basis of the following criteria. Each area will be rated on a scale from 1 to 7 (1= non-satisfactory; 7 =outstanding), for a maximum of 63 points.
- Level of innovation
- Meaningful use of technology – demonstrates not only how technologies were put in place but also how effectively those technologies were to achieving the goals in performance in online or traditional environments
- Demonstrated benefit to overall student success and institutional effectiveness
- Contribution to decision-making and improvement processes
- Usefulness and cost-effectiveness
- Use of specific examples, evidence, or indicators to demonstrate success
- Quality of the proposal
- Hispanic focus
- Lessons learned
Evaluation Committee
Evaluation Committee members are selected from HETS Member Institutions, based on their expertise with the nominated track to validate their peers’ proposals.