Showcase Tracks: Faculty There were four general tracks or focus areas (general track information):
Click the links below to view presentation details for each track:
Below is a table listing the presentations given during the conference for this track with presentation downloads and videos where available.
Maryam Bamshad
and Naliza Sadik
Lehman College, Department: Biological Sciences
Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Adviser, Nursing student
“Using Computer Technology to Improve the Quality of Science Education at Urban Universities”. As Course Coordinator for the Anatomy & Physiology courses, I have been working with adjunct instructors and full-time lecturers to introduce learning technologies such as WileyPlus and Blackboard into classroom and laboratory instruction in concert with a constructivist approach to pedagogy. In collaboration with the Wiley Faculty Network and the Title V Supplemental Instruction Program, I have been changing the curriculum for these courses and offering faculty development training in WileyPlus and Blackboard.
Adam Wandt and Meghan Duffy
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Department: Public Management
Deputy Chair for Instructional Design, Interim Director
Center for the Advancement of Teaching
Podcasting and course capture are two proven methods of providing high quality educational materials in distance learning and in the traditional classroom. Participants should leave the session motivated to return to their colleges and apply what they have learned to create and implement new technological teaching tools.
Lizzette Richardson
City Colleges of Chicago, Department: Adult Education
Associate Vice Chancellor
The Center for the Application of Information Technologies (CAIT), developers of GED-i, provide a comprehensive professional development training calendar to ensure that program administrators and instructors have all of the resources and support available to provide engaging and meaningful distance learning instruction. In order to achieve this goal, the GED-i team uses a variety of tools and delivery methods.
Albert Robinson
Charles Alston
Bronx Community College CUNY, Department: Office of Instructional Technology
Instructional Technology Coordinator, Professor of Health Physical Education and Wellness
Video | Presentation
This session will discuss steps taken to develop Bronx Community CollegeÂ’s Teaching with Technology (TWT) Level 2 faculty development program. The session will describe how BCCÂ’s program has added Web 2.0 applications to the online tools instructors can use. Web 2.0 tools allow students and instructors to easily communicate, collaborate, and share content online.
Jessica Martinez
The University of Texas-Pan American, Department: The Center for Online Learning, Teaching & Technology
Instructional Developer
At the Center for Online Learning, Teaching and Technology at the University of Texas-Pan American we focus on meeting the needs of our faculty. We have a developmental and a technical side for the sole purpose of creating online courses. However, if a department or faculty member is interested in receiving training from us, we also provide that type of support. Faculty members are properly trained on how to reach their online students and how to learn the latest technologies. Participants can apply this information by adopting the Learner-Centered style of teaching. This has helped our online courses become a great success.