HETS Professional Development Events (PDEs) have been designed to increase the awareness on the uses and advantages of technology to improve education. HETS Consortuim has opened the new face to face sessions of its Advanced Workshops. The Advanced Certification: Integración de Nuevas Tecnologías en la Educación Superior is a series of four advanced workshops in Spanish. Each workshop will be validated with 6 contact hours, and at the end of these advanced workshop series, participants will get a total of 2.4 continuing education units (CEU). Through these practical workshops, participants are able to enhance their skills in the delivery, implementation, and use of new technologies in their teaching-learning practice and student support experience. For next semester, HETS expect to offer workshops in English version, either online or face to face, for the benefit of Institutions in the United States.
All Advanced Workshops will take place at the CARI Laboratory located inside the Library of the Universidad Metropolitana (Ana G. Méndez University System), in Cupey, P.R. For more details on these workshops, please visit: www.hets.org /Professional Development Events /Face to Face.
Registration is easy and convenient. You can register online at the following link: Online Registration HETS Advanced Certification. For reservations just send an email to: info@hets.org or call 787-766-2600 x. 8910 For additional information, please contact our offices at 787-766-2600 extensions 8910, 8911.