The HETS June Board of Directors Meeting was successfully held at Lehman College in Bronx, NY, on June 28 and 29. Besides allowing the discussion of the key accomplishments of the organization during the 2011-2011 year, this meeting was crucial in the proposal for the direction of the Strategic Plan of the organization from 2011 through 2016. Representatives of more than 20 member institutions from Puerto Rico, New York, Texas, Pennsylvania and Chicago were present at the meeting agreed on the priority activities for the next semester. Priorities include the Second HETS Best Practices Showcase, to be held in February 2012 in Puerto Rico. This event will continue to celebrate the innovative use of technology in post-secondary education as a means to foster true learning and promote the success of Hispanic college students. This time, the event will be a mixed-media conference in order to allow those who are not able to physically attend to still take advantage of the topics discussed and topics shared. Please access the February 2012 Best Practices Showcase link to learn about this upcoming event. HETS will also continue during this academic year 2011-2012 with the professional development events, including not only the basic but also the advanced online workshops to obtain the HETS Certification: Integración de Nuevas Tecnologías en la Educación Superior. As customary, the HETS Board Meeting also incorporated relevant discussions about the organization’s accomplishments, the actively involved HETS Task Forces, online initiatives, and the launch of the Second Issue of the HETS Online Journal. The Board had also a chance to share with some of the Consortium’s corporate affiliates, including two of the first ever HETS Major Corporate Partners: Blackboard and Knowlity Corporation. A new Corporate Partner (Cengage Learning) was introduced to the Board Members. Cengage Learning representatives, as well as the other corporations represented: Educational Testing Services (ETS) and Consorcio de Bibiliotecas Metropolitanas (COBIMET) had an opportunity to exchange ideas with all Board Members during the Corporate Networking Session the first day of the Board Meeting. At the end of the first day of the meeting, Board members and representatives, corporate partners, and the HETS staff had the opportunity to participate of the Networking reception and art exposition event at Lehman’s College Art Gallery. The HETS Board of Directors and the HETS office appreciates the hospitality and extraordinary attentions of the host institution: Lehman College. During the second day of the Board Meeting and after the closing remarks session, all Board Members took part of the Assessment Event Showcase. For details of the Event: Best Practices in Assessing Student Learning and Institutional Effectiveness Showcase at Lehman College please click here. |