Prelude to the First Semester in Higher Education
General description of the project
An analysis of the entering FTIC first generation STEM students was undertaken. The result of this analyses demanded a “prelude” of events be established for the purposes of 1) maintaining contact with the accepted FTIC through the months of June, July and August prior to the start of school (Prelude Activities) through a variety of activities; 2) establishing a friendly environment in which to contact the FTIC parents to encourage a know what we will ask of your student and trust level for the parents; and 3) build a device / mechanism to connect the entering FTIC to each other – the Freshmen START program was established. Research supportive of these initiatives will be shared thereby supporting the rationale for the Prelude Activities.
Lessons learned to include data from past 5 years of implementation of the Prelude Activities. Retention rates and graduation rates will be highlighted.
Pre-post testing using Qualtrics electronic surveys for several of the Prelude Activities. Use of BlackBoard portal to review opportunities to be made available to the FTICs. Bar code scanners to utilize the student IDs issued upon orientation for attendance purposes.
Explain project results
This initiative stands as a best practice of retention methods especially targeting FTIC. Univ of Houston-Downtown is an Hispanic-serving and Minority-Serving institution as designated by the DOED. The example discussed by UHD could offer some insights for other HSI institutions who may not have reviewed the three months prior to fall semester start date. Maybe this information remains unknown or if known, this project can offer additional insights into some examples of what can be done to increase enrollment and ultimately retention.
Why it should be considered best practice?
UHD’s Scholars Academy began this practice some 10 years ago and can attest to 1) peer-reviewed literature support of most, if not all, of the practices; 2) Data will demonstrate the impact of the Prelude Activities; and 3) Retention, graduation and graduate program entrance data will demonstrate the continued support mechanisms of the FTIC to success.
Highlights of your proposed presentation
A brief overview of UHD and SA demographics will be offered.
A brief overview of Scholars Academy components comprising this unit in the College of Sciences & Technology.
Data of FTICs over a 5 year period will be offered.
Prelude Activities utilized during the 3-month period will be detailed including a summer bridge mentored research opportunity.
Connections to High Impact Activities will be uncovered and connected.
How extensions of Prelude Activities have been produced well beyond the summer months.
The Evaluation Committee will evaluate submitted proposals based on the following criteria. Each area will be rated on a scale from 1 to 7 (1= non-satisfactory; 7 =outstanding), for a maximum of 63 points.