Stop, Listen and Learn: How One System Office Created a Culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
General description of the project
As stewards of Higher Education, the Louisiana Community and Technical College System recognizes the obligation and responsibility to promote and encourage diversity, equity, and inclusivity. In light of recent tragic events, LCTCS is now committed more than ever. The system office staff for 2- year public colleges in Louisiana were tasked with the development and implementation of various initiatives to address diversity, equity and inclusivity. The presentation will outline the system call to action including the development of diversity dashboards, creating a statewide committee/taskforce to generate actionable recommendations and enhancing services and training to faculty, staff and students.
Power BI dashboards
Explain project results
Working with an independent third-party organization to help thoroughly review hiring and promotion practices to ensure any encountered biases are removed.
Analyzing all student data (credit, workforce, and adult education) through an equity lens to better understand who we are serving and who we are not serving well. This analysis will help us to make more informed decisions on program and institutional improvements.
Provided Professional Development Opportunities at conferences
Hosted Student Panel Discussion focused on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Creating a Women’s Leadership
Development of Diversity Dashboard
Why it should be considered best practice?
Analyzing student, graduate and employee data can help provide insights and recommendations into how colleges recruit, retain and graduate students.
Highlights of your proposed presentation
Overview of Call to Action and Taskforce
Description of LCTCS initiatives
Demo of Diversity Dashboard
Helpful resources
The Evaluation Committee will evaluate submitted proposals based on the following criteria. Each area will be rated on a scale from 1 to 7 (1= non-satisfactory; 7 =outstanding), for a maximum of 63 points.