Part I. Personal Information and Demographic Data
Applicant Full Name / Nombre completo:
Casey Chambers
Applicant Title / Título:
Coordinator of Online Advising
Institution or System / Institución o Sistema:
Southeast Missouri State University
Address for Official Correspondence / Dirección oficial donde recibe su correspondencia:
Mobile Phone / Número de celular:
Work Phone / Número del trabajo:
Track of interest / Área de interés:
English track
Which platform do you prefer the Academy to be offered on? / ¿En qué plataforma prefiere que se ofrezca la Academia?
Languages / Idiomas:
Have teach an online course in the past three years / ¿Ha enseñado un curso en línea en los pasados tres años?:
Have taken an online course in the past three years / ¿Ha tomado un curso en línea en los pasados tres años?:
Have you been in charge of an instructional technology initiative / ¿Ha liderado alguna iniciativa de tecnología instruccional?:
Have you been in charge of a distance education initiative / ¿Ha liderado alguna iniciativa de educación a distancia?:
Years of experience in Higher Education / Años de experiencia en educación superior:
11-15 years
Gender / Género:
Age Range / Edad:
41 to 50
Are you Hispanic / ¿Es usted hispano?:
Race Category / Raza:
Part II. Education
Highest Earned Degree / Grado más alto de educación obtenido:
College/University / Colegio/Universidad:
Southeast Missouri State University
Field/Major / Campo de estudio/Especialidad:
Other Degrees Earned / Otros grados obtenidos:
Part III. Experience
Present Responsibilities (up to 150 words) / Resumen de responsabilidades (máximo de 150 palabras) *
Supervise online advising staff; academic advising; oversee the new online student orientation course/process; developed student advisory council; training for new advising team members; create & oversee automated workflows in the CRM; co-chair for professional advising team meetings.
Academic and Professional Distinctions and Honors (up tp 150 words) / Reconocimientos y premios académicos y profesionales (máximo de 150 palabras)
Won the 2018 Effective Practice Award through the Online Learning Consortium “Flipped Student Service Model”; nominated every year since the inception of the Professional Academic Advising Award.
Civil and Community Activities (up to 150 words) / Actividades civiles y comunitarias (máximo de 150 palabras)
Volunteered as a docent at The Glenn House since 2021 and have been the board for the Historic Association of Greater Cape Girardeau which oversees The Glenn House since 2022.
Professional Goals (up to 150 words) / Metas profesionales (máximo de 150 palabras):
I would like to continue to increase the student experience and towards better equality for students pursing their degree 100% online.
Please explain what you expect to gain by participating in the H-LTLA (up to 150 words) / Explique lo que espera adquirir al participar en la H-LTLA (máximo de 150 palabras):
I was married to a Hispanic man for 10 years. While I do not speak Spanish, I do have a cursory understanding of the challenges the Hispanic population faces. I would like to find ways to make our services more appealing to students.
Part IV. Professional References
Professional Reference #1 (Include name, title, institution, phone, and email) / Referencia profesional #1 (incluya nombre, título, institución, número de teléfono, y correo electrónico):
Chelsea McNeely
Director of Southeast Online
Southeast Missouri State University 573-651-2766
Professional Reference #2 (Include name, title, institution, phone, and email) / Referencia profesional #2 (incluya nombre, título, institución, número de teléfono, y correo electrónico)
Simin Cwick,
Chair – Middle & Secondary Education (retired)
Southeast Missouri State University
Professional Reference #3 (Include name, title, institution, phone, and email) / Referencia profesional #3 (incluya nombre, título, institución, número de teléfono, y correo electrónico)
Abby Ruessler
Online Instructional Coordinator
Southeast Missouri State University
Upload a letter from a president, chancellor, or administrator stating the nominee’s qualifications for the program, leadership strengths, and development opportunities. NOTE: If at the moment of sending the application you don’t have a signed nomination letter, please upload a document with the evidence that it is being processed (for example: a print screen of an email requesting the letter) along with the contact information of the person in charge of completing it. (Accepted format: pdf) / Someta una carta de un presidente, decano o administrador que indique las cualificaciones del candidato para el programa, sus fortalezas de liderazgo y oportunidades de desarrollo. NOTA: Si al momento de enviar la solicitud no tiene una carta de nominación firmada, por favor suba un documento con la constancia de que se está tramitando (por ejemplo: una pantalla impresa de un correo electrónico solicitando la carta) junto con la información de contacto de la persona encargada de completarlo. (Formato aceptado: PDF)
Part V. Initiative and Mentor
A letter describing a project that you will consider implementing at your campus or organization with the name of the Mentor of your preference. Your Mentor can be different from your references and should be a staff with experience in the area selected. The Mentor information will be submitted with the signature to confirm the availability to guide the implementation of your campus initiative. NOTE: If at the moment of sending the application you don’t have the signature of your Mentor on the project letter, please upload a document with the evidence (for example: a print screen of an email requesting the signature of your Mentor) that it is being processed along with the contact information of the Mentor. (Accepted format: pdf)* / Una carta que describa un proyecto que considerará implementar en su campus u organización con el nombre del mentor de su preferencia. Su mentor puede ser diferente a sus referencias y debe ser una persona con experiencia en el área seleccionada. La información del mentor se enviará con la firma para confirmar la disponibilidad para guiar la implementación de su iniciativa. NOTA: Si al momento de enviar la solicitud no tiene la firma de su mentor en la carta del proyecto, por favor cargue un documento con la evidencia (por ejemplo: una pantalla impresa de un correo electrónico solicitando la firma de su mentor) que se está procesando junto con la información de contacto del mentor (Formato aceptado: PDF)
Part VI. Statement of Purpose
1. From your perspective, what are the top three issues facing higher education today? Why? (no more than 300 words) / Desde su perspectiva, ¿cuáles son los tres principales problemas que enfrenta la educación superior hoy día? ¿Por qué? (máximo de 300 palabras)
The top 3 issues I see are the demographic cliff, AI, and relevance of a college degree. All three of these are challenges that can lead to fewer enrollments. It is challenging to sell students on why they need a degree when society values on higher ed are diminishing, and then why your university is a good fit. AI has been quite disruptive, but it also poses some great opportunities.
2. What are your own institution’s priorities and challenges with regard to leveraging instructional technology and distance education for the benefit of the entire organization? (no more than 300 words) / ¿Cuáles son las prioridades y los retos de su institución con respecto al aprovechamiento de la tecnología educativa y la educación a distancia en beneficio de toda la organización? (máximo de 300 palabras)
It is difficult to offer enough courses that fit the varying needs of all student populations. International students have to have in person, online students have to be asynchronous, traditional students want flexibility since many of them are holding down jobs too.
3. If have the influence to instill change at your Institution, was one thing you could change, what would that be; and what is the unique aspect of your institution you would like to keep? (no more than 300 words) / Si pudiera influir para lograr algún cambio en su institución, ¿cuál sería? y ¿cuál es el aspecto único de su institución que le gustaría mantener? (máximo de 300 palabras)
If I could change one thing, I would change the culture. We are a culture of silos, and every department is an us versus them mentality. Changing this culture to be more collaborate would go a long way to help processes run smoother and easier to implement new initiatives. So much time is spent on trying to get people to collaborate. The majority of people at Southeast are very student centered. We truly care about students and want what is best for them. I would never want to lose that.