This presentation was transmitted live on January 24, 2013 | 3:30 pm (AST/Puerto Rico time). You can watch the recorded session at our HETS YouTube Channel or right here.
Hostos Community College of CUNY has partnered with senior colleges in CUNY and the Goddard Institute of Space Studies in New York City to expand the educational horizon of our students enabling them to compete and win in global markets. The latter is possible through collaborative research initiatives that develop and improve critical thinking and creativity skills, hands-on, team oriented, and interdisciplinary learning via collaborative research projects. The goal of this summer research initiative is to introduce minority engineering students to research environment in a team setting and organized through webcam and email.
Institution: Hostos Community College, CUNY
Language: English
Presented by:
Tanvir Prince ia an Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics at Hostos Community College
Nieves Angulo is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics -Hostos Community College
City University of New York 500 Grand Concourse, Bronx, New York 10451